All the things

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All the things I want to say to people but probably never will
And completely out of order as far as importance and who it's directed at goes . . .

1. We should talk moooore, you're fun

2. I've never formally said I feel the same . . . I'm here to talk any time!

3. You still wanna meet up or have we given up on that

4. If you don't wanna talk just say so, you won't hurt my feelings

5. Oh okay there's my cue to either say something super interesting or just give up

6. God I love talking to you

7. AHAHAHAHA stop being perfect pls

8. Dang it wHy justjustjust please stop

9. Skype.......?

10. Ughhhhhhh just pick a day for me to get my hair dyed

11. I brag about you a lot lol

The best part is, no one reads this so I don't have to worry about any of the Chicagoland frens confronting me . . .  Lol

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