All the things 4

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36. I low-key want to hug you for two hours

37. I can't remember how if it's been since we've had an actually conversation. One that ends with "Well I should probably get some sleep, talk to you later" instead of "wow"

38. I feel like I came if as really mad in the last "all the things" when I was just . . . Okay I was kinda upset about the things I mentioned but I was probably already worked up. Can't remember.

39. You've kind of left my thoughts. I usually see random things that makes me think of you but lately, unless I see I have Wattpad notifications, it doesn't happen

40. I really want to just sit on the couch with someone, probably partially laying on them, under a blanket sipping tea and watching Voltron or Stranger Things or something.

41. I almost don't want to bother with this book anymore, I mostly just use it for a confidence boost by looking back at the comments

42. Speaking of the comments, reading them makes me happy. And then I cringe a little because my replies are awkward because I don't know how to respond to someone saying they enjoy my stuff

43. I didn't mean to sound like I didn't understand what you meant that time when we discussed the lack of engagement, I just wasn't sure how to word a response to get my feelings across

44. I worry everything I say is taken the wrong way

45. I was always worried that I was making you feel uncomfortable or rushed when I mentioned how much I enjoy talking to you, or how much I talk about you

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