Kill me

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Sooo I went trough with the hair dye

We spent five hours at a salon

It looked good in that lighting but when I got home i noticed it's not red, it's fucking pink
I told my parents that I refuse to see anyone until I have the color I want and they keep saying "oh but it looks good" "everyone will love it"
And I don't ducking care what anything thinks about my hair and if it's not the color I wanted then there was no point in keeping it a ducking scret

I just wanna lock myself in my room and not deal with anyone
If anyone sees my hair while it's pink it just ruins the shock value of the red
With my luck I won't be able to get it dyed until next fucking week when it doesn't even matter, after everyone's seen my hair

And my parents don't understand that the point of keeping it a secret was for the shock value and no one seeing it until suddenly it's red and I actually like the color

I don't even know why I'm bothering with this since net neutrality is dying
And it's not like anyone cares about my hair but o had to get this out and i don't really know who to rant to

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