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This is probably the best my hair has ever looked

This is probably the best my hair has ever looked

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Ignore my face plz lol

Also look the best selfie I've ever taken:

I always look best from this weird angle, not smiling, not looking at the camera, showing some amount of my barely existent jaw

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I always look best from this weird angle, not smiling, not looking at the camera, showing some amount of my barely existent jaw

Okay so I got out of the shower and since I'm trying to get my hair to stop parting like that I literally just shook it around and attacked it with a towel, brushed it all forward, then all back, then continued shaking and flipping it around until it dried and with one more shake of my head it fell like that

It's sad because it a c t u a l l y l o o k s g o o d

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