Chapter 4: Messing With The Wrong Furs

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"Finally! We're done with the tortures of hooking up game consoles!" I flop onto the couch. "We're still not done with unpacking everything you know?"
"We can get to those later. It isn't like you brought a lot of things."
"True, but we would have more time to goof off when all of that is done."
"Ugh, you're right. Let's get that done then," I get up off the ground and then realize something. "I forgot my bike at your place! I'll be back soon," leaving Mike I run out of my door and leap into the bushes. I roll out onto the lawn to catch a couple of kids trying to take it. There was a tiger, bear, and cat walking away with my bike talking amongst themselves. "I can't believe how idiotic you have to be to leave this out. Well, lucky for us at least," they all start laughing. I storm over to them,"Hey! That's my bike!" they all turn towards me. "Well you shouldn't of left it out then. As they all say, finders keepers losers weepers," the tabby cat looks at me with her blue eyes. "Guess you'll be weeping tonight then," the snow tiger chimes in. Again he had blue eyes and so does the polar bear. Wow, the writer here has a lot of creativity doesn't he. "I could reverse the saying right now you know," they all just look at me and start laughing again. "What're you going to do, hurt a couple of kids for this piece of junk!" their laughing gets louder. Oh that does it, a smile crawls onto my lips while theirs fall. My arms raise slowly and flick my wrist I their direction shooting thorns at them. Each thorn hits the mark leaving them each lying down with their clothes pinned to the street. They squirm around trying to release themselves from my thorns. Each of them are lined with thorns that punctured their clothing and went through the concrete. Did you really think I'll kill children over this? Overreact yes but not kill, unless it's a extremely good reason. Like if one of them committed mass homicide (you'd be surprised). "What the fuck are you, y-y-you freak!"
"Aww, it's not nice to call other furs names. Your parents should teach you manners," I smile at them while getting on my bike. "Toodles!" and I just drive away. When I'm about ten feet away, I snap my fingers making the thorns disappear and I fall into the petals.

I pop back out of the bush and circle around into me driveway. I walk my bike up to the garage door and open it up. After parking my bike inside the garage, I open the door to the inside and go search for Max. He isn't in the living room, kitchen, game room, library, basement, or the patio. When approaching the guest room I hear...singing? Getting closer to it I make out a little bit of it.

So let's run away
They will have to find another heart to break,
Why don't we just run away,
Never turn around, no matter what they say,
We'll find our way,
When the sun goes down,
On this town,
There'll be no one left but us,
Just like run-aways,
They will have to find some other hearts to break, hearts to break.

His voice rings out as he finishes. I just stand there for a few seconds, awestruck with how beautiful his voice was. As I'm about to push open the door he beats me to it. "Oh! Hey Jace, so how was getting your bike and leaving me to do the work?" he puts his paws on his hips while asking that. "It went fine, but some teenagers had to be taught some manners," horror quickly replaces his smirk. "I didn't kill them! I just scared them and got my bike," he let's out a sigh of relief. Ping! "Oh that must be our mission," I run over to my room and turn on my computer. Right when it powers up a message pops up on my screen.

Agent Bayo and Rose, your mission is to find and kill Edward Valdaro. He's a international drug lord that we've been hired to kill. You have 3 weeks to find and kill him. Good luck agents.

The message gets replaced by a image of an alligator wearing a black suit and carrying a cane. He has a gold tooth accompanied by a predatorial smile. The biggest thing that catches my eye though is the scar in shape of an X over his eye. "Welp, ready for your first mission rookie?"
"Yep, and don't call me rookie. It makes me seem like some young, new kid."
"But you are a young, new kid."
"No, I'm a cold-blooded killer, fear me,"  I don't see how he said it with a straight face but it makes it even funnier. Mabye also cuter, but let's keep that quiet for now. A small chuckle escapes me and he looks at me with a face of mock hurt. "How dare you laugh at me! We'll finish this later, I need to pack my bags," he enters his room and pulls out a suitcase. I enter mine and get my suitcase. I hope nothing goes wrong on this case, for an odd reason something doesn't feel quite right. I ignore it for now and start packing.

                    3 weeks later
Max starts setting up a sniper rifle while I keep an eye out for anything that might compromise this mission. All agents have some sort of ability, passive or active. Mine is an active ability, meaning I have to activate it, while Max's is passive. He is very accurate, very precise, and has very good eyesight. "Remember we only have one minute as our window, make your shot count."
"I know that Rose, you've told me a hundred times already."
"Well I'll tell you a hundred more times if it means you land this shot," he let's out a short laugh and gets ready. Mr. Valdaro walks out of the hotel and pulls out his phone as he gets a "random" call. The guards will be stuck inside dealing with all of the paperwork that has suddenly appeared. While the alligator is talking he turns straight towards us and gives me a smile. "Max don't tak-," but right before I finish he pulls the trigger, making the alligator fall limp. "What were you saying Rose?" he looks at me confused. "He looked straight at me, almost as if he knew we were going to be here."
"That's impossible, only people that know we're here is the," a phone ring cuts through,"agency." I pull out my phone and hear a deep voice. "Did you really think we wouldn't know about this? Who do you think asked for him to be killed? Him and I planned this out. We've been looking for a good reason to end you guys and now I have one. You've messed with the wrong furs kids," and with that the phone call ends. What has happened and why? The most important one is who set us up?

Doctor: We've found out why this post took so long.
Me: Give it to me straight.
Doctor: Well 10% of it is school, 30% of it is emotion/mental problems, and 60% of it is *dramatically flips paper* plain old laziness and procrastination.
Me: Welp, you've heard it from the professionals. I've been doing things and been going through some, but I'll make sure to update more. I only ask for advice, critique, people submit their fursona, and ways of showing that you guys are enjoying this. Other than that I have no requests and have a day you deserve.

P.S, that song from earlier was Runaways by All Time Low.

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