Chapter 6: The Runaways

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I pull into the parking lot of a small motel. My eyelids are almost at a complete close. Why did he do this is all I can think about. My father was so caring and nice, but to have this happen is like a slap across the face. I walk over to Max's side to find him asleep. Getting a closer look at him shows that he has cuts, bruises, and possibly a dislocated rib. Putting my arms underneath him, I carry him to a random door bridle style. Listening for any noise I find a room that seems empty. This motel is still the kind that uses keys instead of a card. Quickly and carefully I put Max down and form a lockpick with two thorns. The tumblers quickly go into place and open the door up. Lady Luck must be smiling upon us with the room being empty. I pick Max back up, close the door behind me, and gently place him onto the bed. Taking a deep breath I start healing him. His cuts close, the bruises fade, and his rib resets without causing pain. When I see no more wounds ok him I work on myself. All of my cuts and bruises become non-existent leaving my with zero energy. I roll over Max and fall fast asleep.


I'm surrounded by an inky blackness. This isn't unusual at all, I don't dream too often but this feels off. There's something I'm not seeing here. Looking around I see a soft light in the distance and run to it. Closer, closer, and closer I get until I'm right upon it. "Max?" he's just floating there asleep surrounded by the light. Okay why am I dreaming about Max? Does this mean something? It most likely does but how? All of these questions just fill my head. I don't dream about anything unless...I have a strong feeling for them. Most of the time it would be the furs that I hate, but the dream would include me getting my revenge. Like a string pulling a puppet, my paw moves out to him on it's own. Right when I touch him something overcomes me. Pain erupts in my chest as I start having a coughing fit. With each cough a tar like substance is shot out. This goes on for a while until I just stop. All the pain is away and I'm surrounded with the black liquid. A new sensation washes over me but this one is warm, welcoming, and new. For once in my life, this strange, magical feeling has overcome me....could I be falling for this fur...could he have fallen for me? The black substance disappears and cracks appear disrupting the black void. Each crack let's in blinding light. My paws shoot to my face to cover my eyes. The light's brightness crescendos piercing through my paws and blinding me. It then just disappears, going as quick as it came. Slowly removing my paws from my eyes, I see a green meadow dotted with trees. A paw touches my shoulder making me do a 180. Max looks right back at me. A playful smile is painted onto his face. "What's going on here?"
"Isn't it your dream?"
"Yes, but this is new."
"Then I guess something changed within you," his words strike a chord in my brain. Something has changed within me, my hate has been pushed away revealing new feelings. Happiness, joy, and,"Love."
"Ding ding ding we have a winner," Max pulls me into a soft kiss and a wind whips up around us.

                      Dream End

I awake with a start on the dirty, musty motel bed. "Can I get up now?" Max is looking at me. I look down to see me holding on to Max and almost spooning him. My eyes widened and I jump away from him,"Sorry."
"You don't have to be sorry, the room was kinda drafty and you're warm," heat rises to me cheeks,"but more pressing matters, why are we at a motel?"
"After escaping the agency I took kys home and got the essentials then left. To get rid of any evidence the house was destroyed also," Max's face falls and leaps out of the bed to the suitcases. He starts tearing it open and throws the clothes out until he finds the picture. Clutching it close to his chest, he smiles at me,"Thank you for remembering. This picture means a lot to me." My mouth hangs open from the pure shock. "It's no problem but what did that suitcase do to you?" he looks sheepishly at it. "Yeah sorry about that, it's just that this one single picture is worth a lot to me. It's the only thing I have of me and my sister."
"Do you mind telling me about your sister?" Max looks up at me and takes a deep breath,"Might as well if we're going to be with each other for a while, but if I do you have to share some of your past also."
"Alright, that sounds fair enough. You have to go first because I asked first."
"Okay," he takes another deep breath and begins,"I had a pretty good life. Loving parents, great sibling bond, and had a good chance at a academic scholarship. My parents worked constantly to pay for our school. This is where me and my sister bonded. Usually furs wouldn't get along with their sibling, but I was the exact opposite. Well, it also helps if you're both close in age with me being three years older. Mom and Dad would get home late with a hot meal ready to eat made by us. Life was amazing for me, a small family that lives each other. That was all before everything changed," his voice hitched a little at the end, "the day that my sister disappeared. The day was sunny and perfectly warm. We didn't want to waste it inside, so we went to the park. The park was only a block or two from our house and safe. Grabbing two water bottles, we headed out ready for a fun day. The sun was far into the horizon when we decided to head back. Emily was skipping along besides me holding my paw. I was 13 at the time while Emily was 10. The key was in my pocket, and all I needed to do was let go of her paw to get it. It seemed so simple at the time, just let go and unlock the door. Only the moment I let got of her paw did she scream. I spun around to see a tall tiger holding her close to him and restraining her. The tiger had navy blue stripes and orange fur covering him. A scar went through his left eye and continued down invading the white fur on his face. "Sleep tight kid," was all he said before I went out. I could hear Emily say," Max wake up! Wake up Max please!" while he dragged her away. Things went into chaos after that single night. My mother tried to stay strong and made herself even more busy with work. While my father became an alcoholic and abusive, blaming it all on me. I blamed myself too, why didn't I just hold on to her? Why wasn't I strong enough? Why did this all happen?" tears were coming down his face now. I pulled him into a tight hug and held him. We stayed like that until he was calm enough to breathe normally. "Do you want me to go now?" he shook his head,"No, but I do want something to eat." He looked up at me with wide, puppy eyes. God he looked so cute,"So what sounds good then." Max does an astounding impression of the thinking man,"We should get waffles! Come on now!" Max grabs my paw and we go out of the room running straight into some agents. A small raccoon reaches up to an earpiece,"Boss, we found the runaways."

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