Chapter 7: The Good Guys

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"Now, do you really have to turn us in?", I put on the most charming smile I could possibly pull off. Wow, the universe must hate me. Look I may not always have the best luck, but this is a new low. I blew up my house, drove far enough away, deleted any trace of us on the internet, and all for nothing! God, if you're there, can you pleeeeeease just spare me for a second?
   The raccoon looks at me with no humor in his eyes, "Why should I spare a fur who betrayed the agency, killed our boss, and attempted to leak all of our secrets!" Oooooh, so that's the cover up he talked about. "Listen, you got it all wrong. The boss is setting us up so he can carry out a plan", Max keeps a calm composure, but I can see the gears within his head working at top speed trying to think of something.
    A deer behind the raccoon laughs, "What proof do you have of this? This biiiiig plan that he has? Your story is ridiculous!" the deer levels a barrel of a gun between my eyes, "Mabye I should just silence your lies, hmmm. How about that," the hammer pulls back making a small click when all the way back.
   My senses kick into hyperdrive, time slows to a crawl giving me time to process everything around me. The scent of oak trees in the air mixed with the sweat from the furs in front of us, cars zooming around on a highway nearby, the slight vibrations of someone's music being too loud, and the taste of morning breath becoming sharper to me. I'm prepared to go into a sort of half form, where I'm still mostly together but a body of rose petals. It'll make me immune to damage and allow me to react. Deep breath in, deep breath out, and get ready. I feel my body slowly becoming loose and more fluid.
   The feeling of free movement floods my brain speeding up time again. It starts going faster until it catches up again. His finger starts to pull the trigger and a shot rings out. I expect to feel the bullet pass through me, but instead I see red burst out the side of his head painting the doberman's head next to him.
   The body falls limp with the gun right next to it. "What the h-!" another shot tears through the raccoon's head exiting out of his temple. He falls limp onto the deer. The doberman stands there wide eyed, shaking, waiting for the last bullet to stop everything for him.
   Apparently though, fate has a different plan for him. A flap of wings whisper through the air and a thud sounds behind him. The hiss of metal against leather sounds out and a sword it pressed against the doberman's throat, "I'd drop the gun if I were you". The voice comes from a smiling wolf with brown fur, sharp green eyes, black hair, and a set of a darker brown wings. The gun falls down and hits the ground with with the dog raising his paws in surrender. "Good choice", the blade cuts through his throat and he falls flat.
   Three bodies lay close together all within a span of ten seconds, the ground underneath them being stained red. The wolf sheathes his sword and I'm finally able to recognize him, "You're Ryan Simmons, aka, Agent Valkyrie", Ryan does a slight bow smiling. Max's mouth hangs slightly open as my body solidifies back to normal. "Now, let's save inductions for later and get rid of the bodies", Ryan grabs the deer's and raccoon's corpse dragging them to the side of the building.
   Max closes his mouth and grabs the doberman's corpse. Now you might be wondering on how no one is going outside to investigate the shots, and I have a good reason. They're trying to get out, but don't have the ability to. If the agency wants to kill a fur but it's public, they'd close off all exits and at a more remote place.
   The motel is surrounded by trees and the highway is far enough and loud enough for no one to hear a gunshot. The doors to the rooms are probably sealed off with a super glue that dissolves after a few hours or so, or put a device that keeps the door locked until deactivated. It's probably the latter, no one uses the glue anymore after an incident that involved a shark getting a couple skin grafts.
   I follow Max and Ryan to the side of the building where he stacks them up and pours a liquid over them. Their skin and fur steam as the liquid causes them to melt and disappear at a fast rate. In a matter of minutes the bodies are gone, the only trace being a trail of blood leading to the place they used to be. Ryan pulls out a second bottle and drizzles it over the trail. Handing me and Max a scrub brush, Ryan smiles, "Start scrubbing, I save your life and you clean this up", without giving us a chance to respond and gives his wings a hard flap and fly over to a nearby building's roof.
  I notice my mouth hanging open slightly and shake my head, "Well, that was unexpected", Max turns to me with a 'good job master obvious, you can see' look. "What, did you expect to see one of the top assassins drop in, save our asses, and fly off leaving us to clean up blood?"

"No, I didn't expect that at all. I'm pretty sure that's what the word unexpected means", he shoots back the comment and smiles at me laughing slightly. My eyes drink up the smile, every slight curve, the way his eyes shine a little brighter, and how I seem to memorize it all. God, I fell far for him didn't I. I return his smile and start scrubbing away with him following my lead soon after. The blood comes away cleanly making our work done less than a minute. Ryan returns as we start standing up with a sniper rifle case in his hand. "So, are we the good guys of this story or did I choose the wrong side?"

*coughs some* wow, it's a little dusty in here. Anyway, I finally did it! I've updated the chapter! *confetti flies through the air* I would like to apologize if this chapter seems rushed or worse than the other ones. If it's better, great! That'll mean I'm improving. But to more important matters, I am not the owner of Ryan. That honor belongs to Miguelsla, he's an amazing author and I hope I didn't do a bad job at Ryan. So, see ya later fluffers!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2018 ⏰

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