Chapter 4 - suprise

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Pewds smiled softly and kissed crys cheek making the other make blushed, they sat at a table and ordered food, cry smiled sweetly "so?" Pewds chuckled lightly

"So what?"

"Where are you taking me?"

"I told you it's a surprise"

Cry sighed and nodded, he put his head down "you don't know if I will even like it.." Pewds chuckled an rubbed crys head "you'll like it" cry looked up and smiled softly their did being sat down. Cry too a small bite and smiled, Pewds shook his head smiling as he took a bite of his food.

When they were done with breakfast, Pewds payed and kissed crys cheek as they walked out. cry shivered at the cold air making Pewds chuckle, cry looked up at the taller male "w-why aren't you cold?" Pewds smiled softly "I lived here longer then you" cry rolled his eye and looked away. Pewds put his hands over crys eyes "no looking it's a surprise" cry put his hands over Pewds and nodded walking on slowly.

Pewds smiled and kissed the back of crys neck, he slowly moved his hands "were here" cry loved his hands and slowly opened his eyes, he slowly let his vision go back to normal the his eyes w et wide. Pewds smiled brightly, cry blushed lightly.

"T-the zoo"

"Told you you'd like it"

"Thanks felix..."

"Anything for you Ryan"

Cry giggled softly and started walking in after they got tickets. cry smiled more as they waked around seeing so many different animals. Pewds laughed at small comments that cry made and cry laughed at the ones Pewds made. they walked spring hand in hand laughing and just having a good time.

The went to the gift shop and the taller male got his smaller lover a stuffed bear, cry hugged it and kissed Pewds lips "thank you..." Pewds smiled brightly "your welcome" they waked around more still hand in hand.

"Hey fe..?"

"Yeah ry what's up?"

"Well I was just you know thinking"


"..well why the zoo, why bit a movie or something like that?"

"Oh well that's easy"

Cry looked up at the other male and titled his head "well why then?" Pewds smiled and kissed crys lips

"Because I get to talk and walk around with you, that's why"

Cry blushed and bit his lower lip nodding, he smiled softly. they walked around for a while longer, they laughed and talked more slipping in small cheek and lip kisses when they could, they turned a corner and stopped when they heard someone snicker. they turned to see Leon and marzia.

Crys eyes went wide as Leon snickered again "fags" Pewds let go of cry hand and continued his fists "you wanna fucking say that again?!" Leon took a set to foreword "fags" Pewds punched Leon in the face making the much larger male almost fell back. a smirk came across Leon's face as he cocked back his arm and hit Pewds dead in the chest seeing Pewds to the ground.

Cry went down and glared up at Leon, marzia pulled Leon back but Leon didn't move, he had a cocky smile on which pissed off cry. Leon spit at cry and Pewds "people like you shouldn't be aloud to be around" cry stood up

"Of fuck off leon! your an asshole you have marzia what the heel do you want from us!!? you attempted to kill Felix for her! now you fucking have her so go the hell away!! we haven't done a god damn thing wrong!! we were walking around not bothering anyone!!" cry took a deep breath and glared at Leon more.

"Was that suppose to make me say sorry? because I'm not going to say it"

"Fuck off Leon!!"

Marzia pulled Leon away and they left, cry sighed softly helping Pewds up "hey you okay he got you pretty hard" Pewds nodded "yeah...and nice going off on him" cry blushed softly

"Someone had to say it.."

"Better you then me"

"Why do you say that?"

"Never mind"

Cry took a step closer "no tell me Felix" Pewds chuckled vas kissed crys forehead " way would have been with my fists." cry nodded "oh..." Pewds smiled softly

"Come on let's get out if here and go he it's starting to get late"

"It's can't be we've only been here for like two hours"

"I got up later then normal remember?"

"Well yeah but..."

Pewds kissed crys lips and smirked agents them "I need to fully thank you for something" crys cheeks went scarlet red. Pewds winked and stated walking back to the apartment.


Cry sighed softly sitting on the couch with Pewds, he smiled and put his head on Pewds chest closing his eyes. Pewds chuckled, after they got home him and cry had some fun in bed then took a small nap. cry made dinner and then they started to cuddle on the couch. Pewds closed his eyes slowly and pulled cry close

"I love you Ryan"

"Mm I love you more Felix"

"But I love you the most"

"Don't get cocky"

"Fair enough"

Cry giggled a bit and kissed Pewds lips smiling then put a blanket over them, after a while Pewds and cry were asleep on the couch cuddle closely.

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