Ji Chang Wook

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The day of our reading. I can't seem to focus on the script. I keep on stealing glances at the corner of the room where she was sitting. Meticulously writting on her notebook.

I watched as she bit the tip of her pen before she writes something. I watched her as she bit her lower lip when she listens to the director, while she was thinking..
I watched her as she spoke about one of the scene, words rolling out of her delicious mouth. My mouth is watering just by looking at her.

I feel anger as I watched her talked to the guy beside her, laughing quietly about something he whispered to her.

My cold, hard stare seems to burn them as they continued to whisper to one another, even though the producer was talking.

She seemed to feel my stare. She looked at me. Directly. Without any shame or shyness. She started at me as hard and as long as I did

She raised her eyebrow and smirked at me.

I can hear myself growl a little.

I'm irritated.

Without breaking an eye contact at me. She took a long drink from her water and then she licked her lips. Slowly.

My heart stopped.

She smirked again at me.

She infuraites me.

I barely heard the producer wrapped up today's work. My attention is still at her.

I stood up along with everyone. We said our thank yous and goodbye. But my eyes are still on her.

She walked towards the door. She smiled at everyone. She smile at him.

She's aggravating me. And she knows it!

As I walked towards the door where she's waiting. She smiled at me.

My heart melted.

She took my left hand and entwined our fingers.

I was still looking at her. Upset. She was still smiling.

She played with the ring on my finger.

"You can be really annoying sometimes." I said softly.

She laughed softly.

I took her other hand and played with her ring that matches mine.

"Let's go home...여보 (yeobo - Honey). I whispered to her ear.

My wife nodded and smiled at me.

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