Gong Yoo

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"Hi, I think you're in my seat."

I looked up & see the face of Korea's most eligible actor.

I was dumbstrucked


"ahh.. Sorry.. I didn't think it will be taken, I hate the aisle.."

I started to stand up when he stopped me.

"It's fine. you take the seat. I'm good with an aisle seat."

Then he smiled. A smile that thousand Korean girls.. No Millions of girls world wide go crazy about.



"I'm Gong Yoo"




"I'm going to Boracay & Palawan for some serious RnR!"

I had to smile. He have that child like look who's excited on christmas morning..

"Is This your first time?"

"Yes it is. Where you on vacation in Korea?"

"No. I work there. In the Philippine Embassy."

"Wow.. so you're going home for a vacation?"

"Yes! and I cant wait.. I miss home..."

"I can only imagine.. So...what can you recommend where I should go in the Phil..?

"you're going to Boracay right?

"Yes. First stop."

"Boracay is beautiful place. no questions there. but too crowded for my liking.. If you hate crowds its not for you.."

"I do hate crowds.."

There are a lot of beaches in the Philippines, It has 7,107 islands, only around 2k inhabited, so you have so many to choose from.
how long would you be staying?


"Well you should put in Gigantes Island on your list of places to visit."


I nod.

"Then there's this beautiful Pink beach in Zamboanga & Then there's
Panglao Island in Bohol.. "

"You seem to know your beaches."

"I made a list of places when I was younger, promising myself that I have to visit them all, when I have the chance... and the funds. "
I had to smile.. "but never had a chance to do so.."

"Why may I ask."

"Long story."

The flight from Seoul to Manila is 3.5 hrs.
for the last hour, we talked and laughed like old friends do.

Who knew that an actor like Gong Yoo is so down to earth that you wouldnt think he's famous..flying coach even!

"Good evening, this is your captain speaking.
we will be experiencing a small turbulance due to some storm clouds forming up ahead, please fasten your seatbelt & stay on your seats for further instructions from our stewardess. Thank you,

Without knowing why. I grabbed Gong Yoo's hand.

He squeezed it.. "Hey its gonna be ok."

I looked at him, knowing very well that there are tears forming in my eyes.

"We'll be ok, just look at me."

I nod.


"What's your favorite book?"

The plane jerked. people screamed. I shut my eyes Tightly.

"Olive. open your eyes & look at me. what's your favorite book?"

I opened them & looked into his warm brown eyes..

"Uhmm." I cleared my throat. " A lot. I'm  a wide reader. but I love The Help most of all"

"Good.. Tell me about the book."

The plane jerked again. he squeezed my hand & nod at me.

*I think I'm gonna be sick...* I took a deep breath

"Uhhmm.. its a novel by Kathryn Stockett, it's about the household help in the 60's in the US where Black people are still considered not equal from the white.


"How about food? what is your favorite food?"


"Me too." He gave me that killer smile, there's more thumping in my heart..

But in the good way..

"Would you like to have dinner with me when we land?"

"Are you seriously asking me out?? Right now?!"

It took him a long time to answer me...

the plane jerked for the 3rd time. I bit my other hand to stop myself from screaming.

He took it from me & he squeezed it

"Yes I want to take you out for dinner. as a date."

The last jerk of the plane caused for some of the lights go off.
without second thoughts I embraced Gong Yoo he held me close & held on tight, whispering things like, we'll be fine. everything will be

I can feel his arms around me, one hand rubbing my back. soothing me. I can hear his heartbeat. fast but steady.

"Ladies and Gentlemen. We will need to stop over in Taiwan, storm clouds are heading to the Philippines, Thank you for your patience."

I looked up to him..

"See I told you we would be fine."

I had to smile.

"I'll be ok once we land."

then he smiled at me.

I Know by then... I'm in trouble.

As soon as we left the plane he took my hand and carried my bag for me. We walked to the terminal trying to avoid as much crowd as possible. News about Gong Yoo being on the plane must have spread because the terminal was swarmed with reporters. Airport securities circled us and was led to the exit.
But reporters were very persistent on getting an interview. We were pushed and pulled by securities and reporters the same.

I broke hold of his hand and he was taken by the securities. He called out for me. I heard him. I just stayed behind.

I watched from a far as he smiled and answered questions about the flight. I smiled, he is doing great.

I turned around and started to walk towards the opposite exit when I felt a hand grabbed for my wrist and pulled me.

I was surprised to bump into a hard chest.
I looked up to a smiling Gong Yoo

"Where are you going?"

"Huh?" I looked around the reporters surrounding us.  "What are you doing?" I whispered at him.

"We have a date... remember?" He smiled at me. He took my bag and pulled me towards the security escorts that's waiting for us.

Reporters went crazy, taking pictures after pictures.

He placed his arm around me and covered my face with his hand.

He leaned over and whispered.

"I'm hungry. Let's get some sushi!"

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