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"And I will always love youuuuuuuhuuuuuu!!!"
I sang on top of my lungs as I drunkinly walked inside the house.

"YAH! Why is it so dark?! Who turned off the light?"
I yelled. I tried to make my way to my room but I seems to be hitting everything in my path.

"Yah! Where's the light?!"

*No answer? Where are they?!*

I fumble with the buttons of my shirt and made a victory yell as soon as the last button opened. I then moved to my jeans.

I opened the door, didn't bother with the lights since my eyes, drunk they maybe; has already adjusted in the dark.

I huffed and puffed as I wrestle with my jeans. I pulled them off my legs and feet and fell on my ass in the process. I laughed out loud and winced in pain.

I crawled to my bed then to my covers. As soon as my head hit the pillow I sighed in contentment. Soon sleep took over.


I had the weirdest dream..

I dreamt of Andi, our tutor. I dreamt of having her in my arms. Smelling her lavander shampoo and strawberry and rose oil lotion.

I took a deep breath and pulled my pillow closer to my body.

I smiled.

How I hope my dream is true.

I would love to wake up with her.

It's only been few weeks but that small terror made a permanent place in our hearts. We may deny it. But we all know she somehow can tug our hearts.

My pillow is extra squeashy today.

I buried my face more and inhale the scent.

It smelled like her.

Then I felt a warm breath on my lips.

I froze in place.

*Warm Breath?! What the hell?! Andi will kill me if she finds out I brought a girl home!!*

I gently ran my hand to my pillow and I almost had a heart attack. My pillow... It's warm!

I'm so scared to open my eyes!

But I have no choice. I have to if I have to throw the person out of the house before Andi wakes up!

As I slowly opened my eyes, My heart jumped out of my chest!


The breath! The smell. The warm skin! It's all hers!
I've been sleeping with Andi!

*Thank you lord!* I silently prayed to the gods above but mentally hit myself immediately.

I looked at my hand and I gasped in fear when I saw it under her pj on top of her flat stomach!

I gingerly took my hands off her. She shifted. I stopped with my hand in the air.

I held my breath.

She slowly opened her eye.

She opened and closed them. She rubbed the sleep off it. She stared at me. I was surprised to see her big eyes get bigger.

She screamed!

I screamed!

"Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!" She screamed over and over as she kicked me off her bed.

I fell of the bed with a thug. I winced in pain and I hurriedly kneel down with my hand clamped together.

"Noona! I'm sorry! It was a mistake! Noona!!"

She screamed again as she hit me with her pillow

"You miserable pervert! How dare you?! I'm your tutor for christ's sake!!! She threw the pillow aside and started to hit me with her hands

The door flew open and 6 other members of the house  were fighting one another to get inside.

"Noona what happened?!"

"Noona are you ok?!

"What happened?! Are you hurt Noona?!"

They all asked at the same time but abruptly stopped as they saw us.

Noona on her feet. No shorts just a big shirt. Her hands stopped mid way of hitting me.

Me. I was still on my knees. No shirt. No pants.

Just my boxers. With bed hair.

She screamed again and tried to pull her shirt down to cover her legs and panties.

The boys scampered out the door all out once. She grabbed my ear and pulled me up and dragged me to the door. Pushing me to the guys.

"GET OUT!!!"

As soon as I was out she slammed the door in our faces.

"Yah.. Kim Namjoon...did you sleep with her?" Hobi asked me.

"Ani! I slept in her room by mistake! I swear!" I explained to everyone. "Ow!"

Jin hyung hit me in the head.

"You came home drunk again. Didn't you?!"

I slowly nod.

6 YAH's was heard.

"미안해 (mianhae - Sorry)" I said softly.

"We promised that she's off limits to all of us.." Yoongi Hyung said.

"I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!!" I exclaimed.

"You better be. Or else." Jin said.

One by one they left me. They would throw me a glare once in a while.

But me. I was left outside her door.

Smiling like an idiot.

Looking at her door. Remembering how she looks like sleeping in my arms.

The door suddenly opened.

"What are you still doing here ha?! Do you wanna die!? Go upstairs NOW!!" she yelled at me.

"De Noona!!"

I ran to my room a happy man.

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