Eric Mun

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*The story was inspired by the song 3am by Meghan Trainor.*

"I can't believe this... " My words slurred.
".....why am I still doing this huh? Why?"

I looked at my friend who have that I pity you look in his eyes. I took a another drink from my vodka. I pointed my finger at my friend.

"I told myself a month ago that I'd be through with this didnt I? I said that right?"

He nod. "Yeah man you did."

I took another drink.

"Yah! You had enough. You're dead ass drunk. Let's get you home."

I shooked my head.

"Where's my phone man?"

"Eric stop it. You are not going to call her again."

"She doesnt answer anyway...."I muttered.
I placed my head on the table.
*Damn it! Why is everything spinning?!*

My head shot up. "Let me just hear her voice huh? Just want to hear it."

"You're not gonna leave her any needy messages ok? Like the last time..?

I nod.

"Alright." He took my phone from his pocket.

"I shouldnt be letting you do this.. this is crazy.." he muttered to himself.

I pressed 1 for her number..

"Man it's ringing!" I laughed

"Yeoboseyo?" I heard her voice.

My spinning world stood still.

"Yeoboseyo?" She said again.

I swallowed hard. I can't breath.

"Hello? If you call somebody. You have to talk."

Just hearing her voice makes my heart flutter.

I let out a huge sigh.

"Eric?" She said my name softly.

I was so schocked I dropped my phone.

"What the hell man?" My friend asked as he picked up the phone.

I tried to focus my eyes as I looked at my friend.

"She said my name..."

"Of course she said your name! Your number is registered at her phone stupid."

"Oh yeah.. you're right." I took another drink.

"Man I said enough. We need to take you home."

"You know, they said they saw her hugging someone outside her work."

I took another drink.

"She moved on. How can she moved on after 30 days?! We were together for 2 freakin years!"

I drank my vodka in one gulped.

"I should be the the one hugging her. Holding her like that.. I should have told her I love her.
I love her so much.." I started to cry.

"Hey man! Not here!"

"I miss her so much.. you know I always sends her txt msg.. I would wait for hours and she havent replied to any of it even once."

"I know. You always do that when we hang out."

"I can't help it. I can't help myself. Cause I miss her so much..." I let out a sob.

We both jumped at surprised when my phone rang.

He looked at the screen and showed it to me.

"I'm seeing double man. I can't read it."

"It's her!"

I grabbed the phone almost falling off my chair at the same time.

I answered it.

"Where are you?" She said before I could say Hi.


"Where are you, you stupid drunk!?"

"At Celist...."

"Don't you dare move your ass. I'm coming to get you."

Then she hung up.


"What?! What did she said?!"

"She's coming here..."

"Oh god.. she's gonna kick our ass!"

I laughed at my friend. The everything went black.

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