Christian Yu 3

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Hope you like it VanSrey. 🤗

"Is she here yet?" I eagerly asked.

"Who?" My friend responded.

"Her! Has she arrived yet?!"

"Oh you mean the new Director of Photography? Yeah she's here. I think she's at the studio"

I jumped off my seat and ran towards the studio.

"Thank you!!" I yelled to my friend.

*I can't wait to see her!!*


I ran like the wind to the studio. I've been dreaming of this day. The day I would get to work with her! Ok.. so I do have a little fan thing going. But if you only knew how amazing her works are. You won't blame me.

I skid at the open door. Almost knocking down the closet person at the other side.

Every head turned towards me.

I laughed lightly.


"Christian. Great you're here. I would like you to me Vanessa."

Half walked. Half run. I was infront of her in seconds.

I grabbed her hand and shook it.

"Hi! So happy you're here. Can't wait to work you. I mean work with you!!" I blushed as I watch her laugh.

"Can't waot to work WITH you too..." she teased.

Everyone in the room laughed.

I face palmed.

"Hi! Do you wanna grab some coffee?" I asked her.

She looked up from the papers she was holding.

"No thanks. I got loads of things to finish." She turned around and walked away.

"Ok.. maybe late" I called out to her.

She didn't turned around.


I saw her leaving the studio. I looked at my watch and ran to her.

"깜짝이야! = (kkam jjag i ya! - You surprised me!)" She exclaimed.

"Sorry.. It's lunch time.. so I was wondering if you wanna grab a bite at a Italian restaurant just at the corner?"

"I'm sorry Christian. I already promised the director I'll eat with him. We have a lot to discuss for the next shoot."

"Oh.." I can't hide my dissappointment.

"Rain check?"

"Yeah sure..."

"I'll see you.." then she turned around and walked away.

"That's the second time she rejected me.. ouch.." I mumbled to myself.


"Vanessa!" I called out to her. She turned around and gave me a big smile. My heart just jumped.

"Here." I handed her a coffee.

"Thank you! I'm dying for a coffee.." she nod her head and was about to turn away when I grabbed her hand. She looked at me in surprise.

"There's this new dessert shop a few blocks away from here. I heard you love cheesecakes. I was wondering if you.. ehem..." I cleared my throat.

"Would you like to get some with me?" I looked at my shoes and scratched the back of my neck.

She didn't answer.

"If you don't feel like getting some cheesecakes. How about some Ice cream? I know a great parlour few mins walk from here?" I looked at her hopefully.

"I'm sorry.. but I have a lot to work on right now before the shoot tomorrow. I'm so busy I can't even buy my own coffee.. I'm really sorry.. rain check?"

She pat me shoulder and I gave her a small nod.

She smiled at me and turned away.

I sighed.

"Man.. that's like what? 4 dates she turned you down in one day?"

I turned to see my friend walking towards me.

"Shut up..." I grumbled.

"Maybe I should give it a try..." he mused to himself.

"Don't you dare man!"

He laughed.

"Man give it up.. she's just not interested in you." He pat my back and walked away from me.

"She's just busy!" I yelled at him.

"Yeah right man. Keep telling that to yourself."


"Baby are you home?" I called out inside the apartment. No answer.

I took off my shoes and left it by the door and I removed my coat and draped it over the couch.

"Baby?" I called out again. I opened the bedroom door and can see a small figure under the covers.

I sat by the bed and shooked the figure. I pulled the covers down and was greeted with a disarray hair and pouting face.

"You rejected me 4 times today." He grumbled and pulled the covers back up.

I chuckled lightly.

"Oh baby. I didn't mean to.. I was so busy that's all." I pulled the covers down again and laid beside him.

"4 times Vanessa. I was so excited I get to spend more time with you.. you know a little office romance..."

I laughed.

"... but you wouldn't even look at me!"

"Christian.. I told you last night. It will be very busy once I report at the studio.. I warned you..."

He pouted.

"Oh baby... I'm so sorry." I grabbed his face and gave him a big kiss on the lips.

"Stop." He grumbled.

I kissed his cheeks.

"That's not gonna work."

I kissed his nose abd his eyes.

"Not working Vanessa.."

I giggled. "You keep calling me by my first name."

"I'm upset."

"You're cute when you pout." I lightly kissed his neck.. then I lightly grazed my lips down to his collar bone.

He shivered.

I smirked.

He grabbed my shoulder.

"You're not playig fair." He growled lightly.

"Life is not fair honey.." I teased him.

I brushed his cheek with my thumb.

"I promise.. I will spend time with you tomorrow. Let's do that little office romance you want to try.. you kinky bastard."

He laughed.

"Good. Because someone wants to ask you out. Gotta claim you before he can talk to you."

I laughed and pulled him down for a kiss. He covered our bodies with his blanket and I erupted in giggle.

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