Next stop Brooklyn

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The mad hatter's tea shop was situated by the station on the corner of a Brooklyn street. Warm steam and the scent of fresh coffee filtered through the doorway and into the face of homicide detective Samirhiel 'the wolf' Burkhart.
Sam was in her mid twenties, tall and strong with long chestnut hair, tied into a ponytail, crimson streaks dyed through it. She was pale with dark brown eyes and high cheekbones, wearing a scarlet, velvet jacket, reminiscent of that a circus ringleader might wear.
She glanced down the road and crossed over towards she tea shop which she entered.

Once inside she grinned at the boy at the counter. He was tall, skinny and gangly, barely older than eighteen with a mess of dark black hair that fell over his clever emerald eyes and freckled features. "Hey Oz," she said and he grinned his crooked grin. "Hey Wolfie, what d'ya want?"
"Other than to gloat over my little bro's 'glamourous' job cleaning tables?" Oz's grin became a glare, "I'll take a tea please."

10 years ago

Oz ran down the street occasionally cartwheeling as he did so. His aunt Marie and big brother Nick chased after the hyperactive eight year old "Oscar! Get back here you moron! Your gonna get killed!" Nick called after him, but his pleas fell on deaf ears. Oz tore round a corner into a crowd of people, bumping into a man and spilling his coffee over his expensive suit. The man shouted in indignation and something happened to his face. It morphed onto a strange mask, vaguely resembling a rhinoceros' face, horn and all. The young boy was terrified out of his sugar high and fled, now in fear down an abandoned alleyway where he tripped over a girl sitting hunched by the wall. He pulled himself up quaking in fear, just as his aunt and brother rounded the corner. "I am never giving you candy ever again!" Nick panted. Aunt Marie was looking at the girl, curiosity plastered on her features. Oz took a look at her.
She was barely older than fourteen, her hair was long and ebony, falling over her pale, high cheekboned face. Her clothes were rags and he could make out thin silvery scars covering her body up to her neck and across twiggy arms. "Boys, go wait in the cafe over there until I come get you ok?"

Half an hour later Nick sat in the cafe grasping the hand of his brother as Oz had spent the last half an hour trying to wrench free of his vice like grip and escape to freedom. Aunt Marie suddenly entered, the pale girl following, now wearing their aunt's coat and looking nervous.
"Come on boys lets go home."
"What about her?" Oz asked.
"Sam's coming with us."

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