Wolves and witches

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There was a growl and a flash of scarlet and Sam stood up, scythe clasped in her hands. But she looked strange, her eyes were yellow and lupine, her ears pointed and wolf like fangs sprouted from her mouth, she growled at the stunned figure and her faced morphed back into normal. "You really don't think I know how to use a scythe?" She then turned to Oz, "you okay?"
"No.You're a werewolf."
"What? Oh, right, that..." The figure on the floor pulled himself up, but she pulled out her pistol and shot him. "Can't you see we're in the middle of a family crisis?"
"You just shot him!" Oz exclaimed, "yeah well he would have killed you in a heartbeat."
She then turned and placed the scythe at the zombie girl's throat, she glared at Sam, "what the heck are you doing, she saved my life!"
"She would kill you more so than the other two!"
"Oh yeah," said the girl, a wicked smile on her beautiful features, "like your so innocent blutbaud."
"I don't mean to sound ignorant but what the hell is a blud blood and what hell is going on!" Oz shouted, stepping between the two glaring girls. Sam looked embarrassed and zombie girl bit her lip nervously. "Look, Oz," Sam sighed, "you belong to a family of people who can... sort of see... people like us, they call them Grimms."
"So you two are grimms?"
"No idiot." Said zombie girl, "your the grim, we're wessen."
"And a wessen is?"
"Basically every monster you've ever read about, spider people, dragon people, witches." Sam glared at the girl. "Werewolves," the girl glared back. "Technically we're called bludbaud's. It's all confusing and German, anyway."
"Oh, okay, and when were you planning to tell me this, before or after I was dead?"
"Before, at some point, to be honest your aunt and I kind of hoped it wouldn't happen to you. But either way it's my job to protect you."
"From scythe wielding psychos."
"There called reapers," zombie girl answered and then suddenly groaned in pain, Oz ran over and knelt beside her, "are you okay?"
"No," she groaned, blood staining her lips, "I think I've broken a rib." Oz gestured for Sam to remove the scythe and she reluctantly did so. "We need to get her to a hospital,"
"No!" She cried out, "please."
"Well, we need to get you somewhere safe, Sam help me, please."
"No buts! Just help me." Sam growled but helped the girl to her feet, "we'll take her back to the flat," he turned back to the girl, "what's your name?"

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