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The next morning dawned bright and warm but Oz was too preoccupied to care about the clement weather.
Monsters existed.
And God knew what else.
And a witch had spent last night on his couch, watching a marathon of Friends with him. A witch who was extremely, gorgeously out of his league.
As he was making coffee for him and the now mostly recovered Eva there was a knock on the door. Standing outside, glaring angrily was Sam. "Ok, so you've had time for your hexienbiest friend to explain everything. I hope you have my bagel."
Damn, he knew he had forgotten something.
"Well, yes, it's just at the tea shop where I work and can get a staff discount, and witnesses." He stammered
"Fine, but does the witch have to come."
"Hey, I can hear you by the way!" Eva shouted. "Yes she does okay."

The trio entered the Mad Hatter's Tea Shop to the strong smell of ginger and home baking. Being about eight o'clock on a Saturday morning the cafe was practically deserted, however there was one other figure sitting by the window sipping a cup of steamy herbal tea.

Sam took a seat, putting her booted feet up on the table. "Okay. So Lefevre, how come you knew about the reaper attack, and how come you care, it's not like Grimms and hexenbiest are friends." Eva and Oz took a seat opposite her. "Because I heard my mum talking about a royal plot and a Grim in Brooklyn. So I caught a train and I think you can agree: kicked ass." At this Oz was certain he heard Sam growl. "Fine. Anything else you want to reveal?"
"Not to you." Eva stood, "I have to go... see a man about a dog, so bye. See you round Oz." And with that she vanished. "Great. Thank you for scaring away the coolest person I have ever met." Oz glared at his sister "sorry, but she is probably sort of evil, anyway she'll probably be back to cause all sorts of shit later. Anyway, you better get home, your collage interview is today and you want to be prepared." Oz stormed out and Sam closed the door behind him.
Then she roundhouse kicked the would be assassin in the chest.

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