Safe and sound

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Sam and Oz finally managed to reach the small apartment that belonged to Oz. Once they had unlocked the front door and maneuvered Eva onto the couch Oz ran into the bathroom and began cleaning out the medicine cabinet.
He ran back into the living room and threw them at Sam. "I'm not sure what'll work, is her DNA different to ours or...?"
"Calm down Oz, I'll deal with it."
"No way, you were threatening to murder her minuets ago." He panted, fear clear on his face. "Look you two idiots, just pass me a couple of bloody aspirin already!" Eva growled. Oz nervously passed her the box and poured a glass of water. She gratefully sipped it. "Thanks,"
"No probs." Oz could feel his cheeks flushing, Eva was exceedingly pretty.
"While I would love to watch you make love eyes at each other all night I think we should be more concerned with who is trying to kill you and why a hexenbiest tried to save your life."
"What's a hexenbiest?" Oz asked,
"Witches, bludbads are the big bad wolves etcetera." She answered glaring with contempt at Eva. "Actually I'm technically only half hexenbiest, anyway, I heard reapers were targeting a new grimm in Brooklyn so I decided to stop them."
"Why should you care? I've been doing fine protecting him these last ten years." She growled, for a second Oz caught a glimpse of the wolf beneath her skin. "I care because I'm a vaguely nice person and unlike many 's I actually have a shred of human decency!" Oz leapt between them before things got out of hand "look, while I'm flattered you're arguing over me please don't. My head already hurts and I'm kind of going through a major identity crisis. Sam, head home, get some sleep, we'll discuss all this in the morning when I'm not exhausted and have a bagel and cup of coffee in me."
"Alright, just stay safe okay, also make me a bagel tomorrow as well. See you round six?" And with that she was gone.
And Oz was left alone with Eva.

"So, you're a witch. That's cool..."

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