That awkward conversation with the witch on your couch

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Oz poured two mugs of hot mint tea, letting the fragrant steam flow into his face. Eva still lay on the couch, but somehow colour had returned into her previously pale cheeks and she seemed less in pain.
He walked nervously over and handed her one of the mugs. ", are you feeling any better? Do you need bandages or a doctor" he managed to stammer. She shook her head, "it might only be some bad bruising and a split lip, but thanks for putting me up for the night, most appreciated." She smiled a pretty smile that Oz never wanted her to stop smiling. "That's okay, if you want you're welcome to stay here till you find a place or whatever... So you're a witch huh?" Eva nodded smiling,
"Yep, but we're more commonly known as hexienbiest, your friend is a bludbad, kind of like a werewolf. Wessen tend to have been the inspiration for a lot of your fairy tales and myths, and before you ask you're not wessen but a grim, you can see us when we get emotional, but we can also woge so humans can see us, not that most of us ever do."
"So... if you woge, everyone can see you, but you obviously have to be careful so that wessen aren't exposed?"
"Precisely." Eva grinned "you catch on quickly."
"Yeah... So... Can you woge like... anytime... Like now?" He stammered. Eva smiled again, and suddenly her face morphed into the ghoulish features of a hexenbiest. Oz jumped back more in surprise than fear. "That is too awesome!" Eva's face morphed back and she laughed at his half fearful, half in awe expression.

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