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Katie pulled out her notepad from her apron and grabbed a pen. "Hi guys, welcome to Martin's Diner. What can I get cha?"

"I'm just gonna get a order of curly fries and a cherry coke." Johnny said sliding his menu to the end of the booth.

"Alright, ketchup with that?" Katie asked, quickly jotting down his order. Johnny nodded and turned to Ponyboy.

"I'll have a cheeseburger and a Pepsi. I'll have some curly fries too." Ponyboy said. "With ketchup and mayo." He added.

"And for you?" Katie asked Dallas, already finished writing down Ponyboy's order. Dallas turned to face her and handed her his menu.

"Club Sandwich, and a uhhh coke." Katie nodded and finished writing down his order. She quickly grabbed the menus and paced back into the kitchen to put in their orders.

Around ten minutes after they ordered their food, Katie came around the corner with their orders. She had four trays balanced on her arms and tried her best to slide the two off onto the table but some of Ponyboy's Pepsi spilled onto the table. Katie gapsed a little and quickly set the other trays on a empty table and wiped down the table with a wet cloth.

"Sorry, Pony." She said quietly as she placed the plates in front of the three. "You guys need uh anything else?" she asked still a bit flustered by the whole thing.

"No, we're good," Pony Boy answered before Dallas could make any snarky comments. Katie nodded and apologized again before grabbing the other trays and going to her next table.


By the end of the night she had made about three dollars in tips which was a lot more than what she was used to. (Three dollars in the 1950s was like thirty dollars now.) She checked out of the diner and walked home happy as a clam. She had only spilled two drinks that night and no one seemed to mad at her. And since it was only eight o'clock she had time to start her book.

As she walked home she noticed that the drive in was open, before she could continue her walk home. She heard Abigail's voice come from the other side of the street.

"Katie! I know you hear me! Come over here!" Abigail called again. Katie jogged across the street and greeted her friend.

"Whats up, Abi?" Katie asked.


A/N: Sorry the last two chapters have been pretty short, I've been pretty busy with school and most recently work. If you've looked at my profile in thr past week you've probably seen that my friends have been helping out with editing and stuff (since I post on mobile and spellcheck sucks). I really wanted to thank them and let the fans of "Prove Em Wrong" {} that I'll be continuing that book as well. If you guys have any ideas for new stories or for this one just let me know ☺️

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