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Roger's P.O.V

The next morning was hectic the boys and I were at the house about to go to Seth's place when Mary came downstairs and walked into the kitchen.

"Morning darling" Freddie smiled warmly at her, standing at the kitchen work surface.

"Morning boys" she smiled at the four of us, her voice was in a shy tone:

"We're going to Seth's place to get the rest of your stuff back. Do have anything to say that we can tell him?" I tapped my fingers on the kitchen work surface.

"I don't have anything to say to him mow you here are my keys and please be careful he can be temperamental sometimes" Mary tossed her keys on a work surface and went upstairs.

"That's odd she's never acted this way before" I looked at the boys and looked down,

"It'll take some time for her to come out to you but I know what you mean Rog. Anyways are you ready to go babies?" Freddie grabbed his keys off the hook by the door.

"Let's go and get this over with" John rolled his eyes, his voice was filled with annoyance as we followed Freddie out the door.

Brian got on Fred's motorbike while I went in John's car and drove to East London, It was only a twenty-minute drive from Seth's house. We parked in front of the house and walked up to the door.

I unlock the door and we all went inside where we found Seth sound asleep on the sofa.

The boys and I quietly went up the stairs, into the bedroom, and grabbed Mary's stuff from where ever we could find it and then I realized.

"Oh crap" I hissed, Tossing my hand back.

"What?" Brian looked at me as if I was insane.

"Who's going to make sure that no one doesn't come up here" I look at the three of them.

"I'll go" Freddie walked towards the door and down the hall.

John, Brian, and I kept grabbing clothes and other items of Mary's when I heard.

"Oh, my god. Bri, Rog you have to see this" John glanced at the picture then turned it towards us.

"Who's the woman in the picture?" Brian glanced over at Drake.

"Her name is Annie she went on a date with Seth on Monday I think we all know what that means" Deaky looked at the two of us.

"Poor Mary this is the second time in four months" My face softened as I saw the picture.

Then out of the blue Freddie ran back in with a panicked expression on his face.

"Someone's coming hide in the closet and take the stuff in there too" he hissed quacky, as he shoved everything and us in Seth's closet.

We were in the closet for about five minutes before we heard footsteps coming into the room.

" I'll be right down Seth I just have to get something from my closet" I was assuming that was Annie.

She fidgeted in her closet for a few minutes then it was dead silent again.

"Come on I think she's gone let's get the rest of Mary's stuff Candy get out of here" I licked my lips and opened their door.

As we were grabbing the rest of Mary's things we heard a motor start I looked out the window and was Seth's car.

"Alright they're gone let's get out of here" I looked at the three of them.

After we got Mary's things packed up in John's car we took another twenty-minute drive back to the house, We pulled into our driveway and walked into the house.

"I'll go tell Mary that we're back" I took off my coat hanging on the coat rack.

I walked up the stairs and down the hall to Mary's room where the door was open.

"We're back Mary" Then my eyes widened when I saw her pacing the floor and hyperventilating when I walked closer. "My god, you're shaking, You need to calm down everything is okay what's wrong? Can you tell me what's going on?" My face softened with worry.

"Seth is going to come after me I can feel it I know he's going to I'm scared Rog" She paused and then continue to hyperventilate.

"No he won't the boys and I will make sure of that and try to regulate your breathing you look like you're going to faint any minute " I rested my hand on her shoulder.

And that's when she fell into me.

Crazy Little Thing Called Love (Joger & Frian Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now