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Brian's P.O.V

"Brian? Why did you hurt me?" Freddie's voice echoes as he walked towards me. "I'm so sorry Fred I-I didn't mean to". "Why did you test me?". "I-I-I". He came closer to me. "You should've broken up with Charlie by now he's not for or to you my dear". "How did you know?". "Every time I look at you, you show dread in your eyes". Then the floor opened up underneath me pulling me down into the unknown.

My eyes snapped open, heart racing. I looked at the clock and it was 2:20 in the morning.

I sat up on the edge of my bed slipping my shoes and coat on made my way downstairs and out the door to Jency and Charlie's place.

When I got to the house my palms started to sweat, I knocked on the door and Charlie opened it

"Hey, sweetie are you okay?".

"Yeah uhhhhh okay look I'm going to say this once........I have feelings for Freddie and you haven't been good to me so stay away from me and the boys". 

"Mark my words, Brian, I will get you back,  Drive you guys insane and beak Freddie" Charlie hissed in my face.

"I don't care about the other two but stay away from Fred he's through hell and back already so leave him alone" I hissed back.

"Goodnight Brian" he slammed. the door.

I turned around, got home, and got back in bed later waking up to go to the studio.

We got a lot of work done so we decide to take a break since we'd been working for four and a half hours non-stop.

"Rog and I are going out for a cigarette" John put his coat back on.

"Alright Deaky, Jence and I will be there in a few" Freddie smiled and winked at the two of them.

"Hey, Brian can Fred and I talk to you for a minute?" Jency leaned on the wall.


We made our way into the control room Fred closed the door.

"What's going on with you darling? The rest of us are worried about you, I heard you talking in your sleep last night so I bet it was some nasty dream".

"It was".

"What was in it?" Jency looked at me worriedly.

"Before I start describing Fred  I want you to know I dated Charlie. There was a voice that sounded like you Fred that was telling me that I had to break up because he wasn't good for or to me. He did not take it well, he's after us and you Freddie".

"He's after me?"......

Crazy Little Thing Called Love (Joger & Frian Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now