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Mary's P.O.V

I was in my room on the phone with Dean when I heard a knock at my bedroom door.

"Alright, honey I got to go love you bye" I hung up the phone and change my position on the floor. "It's open"

In the canyon, Jency looked exhausted and stressed, without saying a word I poured her a glass of wine as she sat down beside me.


"How did it go?" I smiled shyly.

"It went well but I'm surprised that my first friend that I met when I came here is gay" She took a sip of her glass.

" I know I saw him earlier he didn't show it".

"Well he's very shy and is afraid that he'll get her physically he's always looking over his should and I wouldn't blame him for doing so".

"Me either. I hear stories that just break your heart and scare you right out of your skin, always tell the boys to be careful because they might end up on giving kidnapped or something you never know what's going to happen these days".


We talked early morning hours until we fell asleep on the floor.

Crazy Little Thing Called Love (Joger & Frian Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now