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Brian's P.O.V

As I was sound asleep the doorbell suddenly rang which made me snap out of my deep sleep.

"Ay. What time is it?" I put a hand to my head as I look at my clock.

It was ten till noon, I got out of bed and made my way down to the fact door, opening it to see a tan guy standing at the door.

"Hello. How can I help you?" I managed a polite smile.

"Sorry to wake you sir but is Jency there she called me yesterday and told me that she was going to be out with some friends she said if she's not home she might be here. I'm Casey by the way" The guy's accent was a mix of Brooklyn and British.

"You're fine I was about to get up anyway, Jency is on the sofa. Why don't you come in and get out of the cold while I go get her" I managed to keep that same smile.

"Thanks" Casey smile back at me.

" I forgot to introduce myself I'm Brian".

"Nice to meet you. I saw you guys at the Hammersmith Odion concert on Christmas Eve last year it was amazing" Casey ran his fingers through his hair.

After chatting for a few minutes I went into the living room where Jency was on the sofa.

"Jency someone named Casey is here to see you" I gently shook her shoulder.

Then her eyes snapped open "Oh my god thank you for me I forgot that we had something" She sat up and put her wedge boots back on then she stood up " I'll come back over when I'm done".

"Alright," I gave her a fingerling pack on the cheek.

And with that Jency walked briskly out of the room, when the boys and I kissed Mary and Jency on the cheek we did that because they were like our mums and sisters to us.

By the time Jency and Casey left as the others came down the stairs looking better than yesterday.

Crazy Little Thing Called Love (Joger & Frian Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now