Interior Designer 2

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You opened the door to see Dylan holding a package of store bought mini cupcakes.

"I brought snacks," Dylan said charmingly. He invited himself in and sat on your couch.

"I-um, what a surprise." I said shocked not knowing what to say. You and Dylan have not spent a lot of time alone together and I think you both were realizing that it was a bit awkward.

"So, I didn't happen to see any new magnets on your fridge Y/N. We're you perhaps lying to me?"

"No he canceled, the magnets were having trouble being magnetized today." Is this flirting you though, maybe. What do I do now? "Do you want to watch a movie?"

"I'm waiting for you to come sit down on the couch besides me." Dylan patted the couch. You sat down next to him and ended up putting on Pitch Perfect, even though you had seen it about a million times. You had assumed Dylan had to because when you leaked a spoiler, he seemed shocked.

"Have you never seen Pitch Perfect before?"

"No, why would I? It's a chick flick," he scoffed.

"This is only one of the funniest movie of the last few years. My friend saw it in the theatre 7 times."

"Well, good for your friend. It's only ok."

You had paused the movie, "not scoring any brownie points with me." You inched away from him, taking one of those mini cupcakes.

" were talking about this movie? I love it. Was it nominated for an Oscar? It should have been." Dylan exclaimed.

"Nice try, buddy." All of a sudden you heard a large crash coming through your kitchen window. You jumped into Dylan and leaned into his chest. "I think someone is breaking into my apartment!" You whispered.

"No shit." He whispered back holding you close,"I'm going to get something, sharp and you call the police. You don't have any weapons in here correct?" I nodded my head and pulled out my phone to call the police. The robber must have climbed the fire escape and entered though your kitchen window that was opened. Someone must have known that I was new here and that I could be vulnerable to an attack.

Dylan got a pair of scissors out of anything that he could have grabbed and was pretending like it was a knife. You thought it was kind of funny besides the crippling fear that came across you as you heard someone riffling through your room. You guys were so quite that the intruder must not of through you guys were home.

You called 911. "911, what's your emergency." The women asked you. As quietly as you could you murmured, "there is someone trying to rob my house I live at your address, please help." The women told you to keep calm and that help would be on the way.

Dylan stood near the window in case the intruder tried to get out. He has now grabbed a knife from the kitchen and I joined him too even though Dylan wanted me to go hide.

Five minutes later, the door was kicked open and the police kicked down the door. The intruder ran into the kitchen to try and escape down the fire escape. He had a blue ski mask on and was carrying a gun. The cops rushed into the house and went straight for the kitchen.

"Let me go or I will shoot." He screamed.

Dylan screamed, "He's in here and has a gun."

The cops and the intruder were both pointing their guns at each other. Dylan was holding my hand as I was 0.00001 seconds away from shitting myself. My adrenaline was kicking in. I thought the guy would never put the gun down, when Dylan said. "It's a fake gun"

The cops didn't hesitate to tackle him to the ground and arrest him. It turned out to be one of the buildings caretakers. (I know how unrealistic this is but just go with it)

You hugged Dylan as they took away the man in handcuffs. "How did you know it was a fake gun?"

"My dad and I used to go to the shooting range." He shrugged it off like it was no biggie. He's a gun nut you thought, just as this was going so perfect.

"I know what your thinking and no I'm not into any of that stuff. Don't worry."

"Thank you so much for tonight. I don't know what would have happened if you weren't there."

"Want to watch the rest of the movie?" He asked. You both sat down next to each other closer than ever. I guess going through a traumatic experience like that really brought you guys together. You leaned against his shoulder and fell asleep.

The next morning you and Dylan got woken up by a knock on the door. You guys were cuddled up on the couch, your hair looking like a mess and Dylan's looked even worse. Dylan woke you up in the middle of the night to take off his shirt because he was hot. When you guys didn't answer the door immediately, the key started turning. This meant only one thing, Kelsey was using the spare key you gave her.

You and Dylan quickly got off each other and tried to get your shit together. It was to late. When she opened the door, Kelsey was shocked to find you and Dylan.

"Dylan, are you serious? My best friend! You had to sleep with her?" She screamed. " and    Y/N  really? Do you not have higher standard?" Dylan looked offended.

"It's not like that at all," you exclaimed " my apartment was broken into last night and Dylan helped me not get robbed and he just slept over that's it. Nothing else!"

Kelsey looked sceptical, but didn't say much else besides "Oh my god, are you alright?" And other comforting words, everything had seemed to calm down. And then she said this "hold on, what was Dylan doing here in the first place?"

Oh no. You and Dylan just looked and each other and started laughing.

Maybe a part three could be made. Let me know if you want another part. I hope you guys enjoyed this. I know it was kind of unrealistic but it was kind of cute.

Dylan O'Brien ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now