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*Third POV*

"Shut your mouth, demon." Castiel spat as he doused him with more holy water, sure it stung but not as much as his words. So cold and emotionless, you would've thought this was the Castiel from before meeting the Winchesters. Castiel didn't care for this self proclaimed "'new' Dean", that wasn't the snot nosed brat he'd spent all these years watching over. Whatever it took, he'd get him back. He began the ritual of purified blood.

"Get that away from me, Cass, you don't even know my blood type."

Castiel rolled his eyes and pushed Dean's head to the side and stabbed the needle into his artery, he screamed in pain and defiance. The lights flickered momentarily as Castiel turned and walked out, slamming the door behind him.

A few hours, more blood, a little more bickering, a lot of insults and cussing from Dean later with two more injections left- he was damn near human just not human enough, not yet.

"I'll return in one hour," the angel called over his shoulder before leaving once more.

A mischievous smile spread over Dean's face as he strained against his bindings and saw the runes no longer reacted to him. Quickly he reached into his pocket and found another lock pick, "sucker" he mumbled to himself then went to work trying to uncuff himself.

 Quickly he reached into his pocket and found another lock pick, "sucker" he mumbled to himself then went to work trying to uncuff himself

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"Dammit," Castiel muttered after finding Dean's empty chair. Inspecting the devil's trap, he found a scape across one of the lines by the back legs of the chair. Effectively breaking the trap without drawing much attention to it. 'Dammit Dean,' he mentally cursed himself for not reinforcing the damn trap.

Click, click, click

All the power in the bunker went out.

"Casti- ELLL"

Castiel froze.


"Uh oh"

"Where are you, angel!?"

Realization struck.

"Come out! I promise not to hurt you... MUCH!!"

He was being hunted.


A chilling cackle erupted from Dean. Castiel grabbed another syringe and the flask before ruining off to hide and find a way to trap the hunter. Meanwhile Dean sets a few traps of his own, and laying in wait for the angel like a spider in its web.

Castiel eventually found himself in Dean's room searching for something, anything, to remind him of who he once was, not only that but to keep Dean from becoming the very thing he used to hunt. He'd never let him become a monster.

The unmistakable footfalls of Dean's boots down the hall caused Castiel to stir from his search, he scrambled to shut off the lamp and quickly put the room reasonably back in order before hiding. After a few more slammed doors and frustrated hands raked through his hair, he called out for the angel, daring Cas to come out and face him. Dean reached his room and had a quick look inside, once he saw the room was empty, he moved on. The angel crawled out from under the bed, as he got to his feet, Dean tentatively walked back in.

"Cass," he whispered to catch his attention before pulling out his lighter and tossing it to the ground once Castiel faced him. Flames encircled most of the room, tapping him inside. Dean shut and locked the door before he took the blade out of his jacket flashing it at Cas and stepping carefully over the fire. "I think its time for a little payback for tattling on me to Sammy." He said with a cruel smile on his face.

A smug look crossed Castiel's face as he slowly looked up, Dean's eyes following, to find a large devil's trap carved into the ceiling. Turns out Dean was trapped too. Anger boiled over and he lunged at Castiel, swinging and connecting with his jaw. Dean's fingers entangled into Castiel's hair as he was bent over kneed in the stomach repetitively. Castiel jabbed Dean in the ribs hard enough to make him let go and double over. "Dean, that's enough."

"No, I'm just getting started." Dean walked closer to him as he backed up, nearing the godforsaken holy fire. "What's the matter angel, nowhere to run?"

"I will not fight you Dean."

"Well that's too bad," he paused and wrapping a hand around his neck. "I was hoping you'd put up a bit of a fight while I gut you." The first blade was dragged lightly across Cas' cheek and a pale blue light and blood following after.

"Dean, please-"

"As much as I like the begging Cas, you've got a lesson and beating I still gotta give you." He pricked Cass' cheek and a thin trail of blood flowed out before being licked off.

"Dean this isn't you," he gasped, "let me help you. We can fix this Dean, you can fight it." He reached up, hesitantly resting his hand on Dean's cheek. His grip on Castiel's neck slacked. "That's it Dean, fight it." Cas's other hand rested at the nape of Dean's neck, pulling him closer so their foreheads touched. "I believe in you."

"I don't wanna go back, Cass, I can't its too late," he whispered back, shutting his eyes. And with misery written all over his face, leaning closer to his angel, noses up against each other. Castiel leaned in further, lips just barely grazing when he whispered to him,"Let me save you, Dean."

Just as Dean was about to press their lips together, the final syringe was shoved into his neck. He released Castiel and would've crumpled to the ground had it not been for Cas holding him up while he screamed and writhed in pain. Several minutes passed like this before Dean was able to stand in his own. Coughing and hacking, he told the angel he was good. Castiel so overwhelmed with happiness he couldn't help pull Dean into his arms and lay a light kiss on his lips. The now human hunter looked at him in shock while Cass began to apologize profusely after realizing what he'd done. Dean smiled kindly and kissed him back, if only for a moment before calling it even and telling him not to worry about it. The angel let out a sign of relief, staring at him, he couldn't believe saved him. "Perhaps we should get out of the holy fire Dean"

"Yeah you're right, maybe we should." He looked Cass dead in the eyes. "Or maybe.." He paused, "maybe we can stay a while longer while I torture you." The beautiful pale green eyes Castiel had come to know and love turned pitch black as he grabbed him by his tie and hair before crashing their lips together. Backing them up into one of Dean's chest of drawers and pinning Cass against it while he bit sucked and licked at the angel's lips leaving them bruised and swollen before he finally kisses back with just as much hunger and ferocity.

All the pent up lust, anger, greed, love, and desperateness from over the years spilling out into this one kiss between the pair. Yet another side of Dean Winchester that'd been pushed down and hidden away, finally revealed. Castiel revelled in it. Just as Dean pulled away, the angel swept kicked him to the floor and crawled into his lap. He'd needed this, he needed Dean and like hell if he was gonna let this end just yet...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2018 ⏰

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