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*Castiel's POV*

I did what Sam instructed me to do in order to track Dean's phone, it seems he's at a warehouse a few towns over. Something's odd about it though, the place was foreclosed a while back ago.
*Third POV*

Castiel climbed into his Lincoln and sped off to the bar.

Meanwhile at the abandoned bar, Dean is fighting off a hoard of demons. The building is almost like an arena, and one by one, each demon comes at Dean only to be beaten into the ground. The undefeated heavy weight champion. And he takes great pleasure in their misery, slowly picking them off. What at first was a competition between the eldest Winchester and some cocky demons thinking they could take him down so long as they were in numbers, became a bloody slaughter house filled with few sniveling demons and pathetically defeated empty meat sacks along with the terrifying grin of Dean Winchester. His blade in hand, dripping with blood, giving the mark exactly what it wants. This was the survival of the fittest after all.

By the time Cass reached the warehouse, the bloodbath had long been over, he pulled into a parking space next to Baby and rushed inside only to find a bloody Dean sitting at a random table having himself a beer. Not a single body in sight, but the blood still covered the room and most of the tables and other furniture. Almost as if nothing had happened, almost. Thought the angel knew better than that, something was going on for sure. He just didn't know what, but it couldn't possibly be anything good.

"Dean, what happened in here?" Castiel questioned him and the smirk on his face disappeared as soon as he laid eyes upon the angel.

"What's it look like? A hunt, I caught a case," he snapped, "what are you doing here anyway- did you follow me here!?" He was nervous, Cass could tell and he was getting suspicious of the hunter.

"Why should it matter if I did, not unless you were doing anything you shouldn't be." He replied accusingly. Dean stood up to face Castiel as he made his way over to him, they stood toe to toe with Cass just a little too close, and stared each other down. They stayed like this for who knows how long before Dean finally gave in. His eyes flicked to Castiel's chopped lips as they always do in times like this and his gaze softened. Almost apologetically, almost

"Alright, you win. I shouldn't have snapped at you, I know you're just worried. Let's go home and have another beer." He smiled down at his angel and slung a bloody arm over his shoulders, leaving yet another stain on his ratty old trench coat, leading Cass back the way he came and into his Continental.

"Dean, can you even drive?"

"Of course I can, c'mon man I haven't had that much. Besides, like hell if I'm leaving Baby. I'll be fine, its only about a half hour drive. Unless you wanna come back with me."

Cass sighed and agreed heading to the impala after locking his own vehicle, snatching the keys from Dean in the process.
*Dean's POV*

Dammit Cass, anyone else and I'd have left you on the ground in a puddle of your own blood. I can't lose my temper or he'll know for sure, besides he's only looking out for my best interests. C'mon Dean, you can do this. Act natural. Ugh the human part of me is kicking in, I shouldn't give a rat's ass about him. Yet I do find he's on my mind a lot more than he used to, I don't like it.

"Oh no you don't, nobody drives her but me. Give'em back," I tell him, trying not to lose my cool, "c'mon Cass, don't be a dick."

"It isn't safe for you to drive in your condition, I'll be careful with 'her'. Get in the car Dean."

"No," I cross my arms over my chest, "what if I don't wa-"
*Cass' POV*

Dean crumpled to the ground the moment I touched two fingers to his forehead, I didn't
have time for arguing and this seemed like the quickest way to shut him up and get him in the car. He'll be upset when he awakens but I'll figure out a way to calm him. Maybe he'll be hungry and I can make him a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. But for now I've got to get him in the seat and take him back to the bunker.
*time skip - at the bunker just before sunrise, Third POV*

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