Chapter 7

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If any of you were confused at what "Mottled grey tom" meant in Fidgetfoot's description, here ya go! That's how I imagine him anyways:)

The next two moons flew by. Reedthicket chose to stay in the apprentices den while his brothers went to the warriors den. Even though he wouldn't admit it, everyone could tell he had feelings for Fernpaw. Fernpaw obviously liked him back and didn't put up an argument about it. Amberpaw had grown closer to Parsleyseed since their talk, meeting him secretly at night in the woods. She knew this was wrong, but she couldn't help it! He was handsome and he obviously liked her. She wouldn't even think about getting pregnant with his kits, so she saw no harm in it.

Speaking of kits, Tigerlily had moved to the nursery, expecting Macgyver's kits. Fidgetfoot had taught Amberpaw how to feel the unborn kits by rubbing her paws over Tigerlily's flank. She learned that borage helps a queen's milk come, while parsley stops it. She had memorized almost every herb and their uses by the time Fidgetfoot came up to her one day.

"Tonight is half moon. We'll go to the Whispering Cave at sundown."

"The Whispering Cave," Amberpaw breathed. There was something magical about the name. "What do we do there?" She asked. Fidgetfoot had always gone by himself, telling her she wasn't ready yet.

"We share tongues with Starclan."

"Great!" She wasn't about to tell him she shared tongues with Starclan without going to the Whispering Cave.

She washed her paws in the small pool inside their den and raced out to find Parsleyseed.

"Hey. Can we talk?" She asked, out of breath when she found Parsleyseed.

"What's going on?" Duskpeak's mew sounded behind them.

"I to check a...thorn scratch Parsleyseed has." She stammered, holding her breath hoping to convince the warrior.

"Oh, alright then. Catch up later, Parsleyseed." He called over his shoulder.

Amberpaw breathed a sigh of relief.

"So, what's wrong?" Parsleyseed asked, licking her cheek.

"I can't meet tonight cause I'm going to the Whispering Cave to be accepted by Starclan."

Parsleyseed purred, 'That's okay. Going to the Whispering Cave means Fidgetfoot finally thinks your ready!"

Amberpaw brushed her cheek against his. "Thank's for understanding!"

"Of course."

* * *

Dusk was starting to cover the green landscape and rays of oranges filled the gorge. Amberpaw had been mostly sorting herbs and checking on Tigerlily, mainly to satisfy Macgyver. And now, she found herself in the Whispering Cave. She knew now, why it was called that, for she could her faint whispers all around her. The walls were covered in thick, green moss and there was a big, glistening pool in the center.

When they got there, Fidgetfoot told her to sit down before he lifted his muzzle to the sky and spoke, "Starclan! Tonight, I present to you this young apprentice. Se has chosen the ways of a medicine cat and I hope you will send her good dreams and messages!" He turned to Amberpaw, "Lie down and touch your nose to the water.

Amberpaw did as she was told and the second she touched the water, she was whirled into a dream. This dream, though, she was not expecting. She was surrounded by searing flames in the middle of a rocky gorge. She looked around but she was the only one this time. "Skystar?" She called, "Anyone there?" He words were drowned out by the snapping and roaring fire. She looked closer at rocks and sand around her and, gasping, realized she was standing in the middle of her camp. The tree bridge to cross the river was engulfed by flames and the leader's den was covered with fallen, burning brambles.

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