Chapter 14

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Last chapter everyone! :( However, there's two more books after this that I will be posting soon. There even might possibly be a second series that focuses on Raven from my novella: "Raven's Path" ;)

Up top is Leafkit! BTW, she's a Lilac Calico :)

Amberleaf woke to the pounding of the waterfall in her ears. She heaved herself up and stretched. Sleeping on hard stone ground took it's toll. She licked her sleeping kits' heads and padded down the tunnel. She went to a pile of rabbits, mice, and a big bird she had never seen before.

"That's a hawk." A cat said, matter a factly, behind her.

Amberleaf whirled around to see Stormfur. "What does it taste like?"

"Like a very tough bird." Amusement sparkled in his amber eyes.

Amberleaf looked at it and thought, I better save it for the cats who know they like it. She plucked a fat mouse and tucked into it. After eating a little over half of it, she suddenly felt as if she was being watched. She looked up to see a lithe brown she-cat and Pebble staring at her.

The brown cat came over to her, "My name is Wing Shadow Over Water. You probably shouldn't be eating that."


"Because we only eat at sunset."

"You only eat one meal a day?"

"Yes, we divide the prey up and eat before going to sleep."

"Oh, sorry." Amberleaf murmured. She watched as Wing and Pebble left the cave before quickly finishing the mouse. She cleaned her face before walking back to what Brook had called "The Kit-Mother Cave." She settled into the dip and let Leafkit and Seedkit feed.

Amberleaf watched Pine and Lark, Brook's kits, wrestle on the ground. She was so lost in thought that she didn't hear any commotion until Brook scooped her kits into her nest and whispered to Amberleaf.

"Something's happening!"

Amberleaf left her kits to sleep some more and followed Brook. They sat in the back of the gathering cats and listened.

"It's so high!" Wing mewed, gasping for air.

"It must of rained a lot last night! I've never seen the pool so full!" Pebble gasped.

Stoneteller turned away from the she-cats and padded outside to peek around the waterfall. He sprinted back in, his face twisted in astonishment. "It's about to overflow!"

* * *

Screams echoed around the the stone walls. All of the cats had been panicking since just after sunrise. It was sunhigh! Water was trickling through the entrance. Stoneteller and Cherrystar yowled orders to get everyone safe.

"Protect the kits!"

"Make sure no one is left in a tunnel!"

Half of the cats were already outside, up on higher ground. Parsleyseed and Fernwhisper had taken Leafkit and Seedkit to safety but Amberleaf had chosen to stay and help. Amberleaf had made sure that Brook was already out and so was Pike and Lark.

Cats were still filing slowly out the cave when Amberleaf heard a shriek. She looked around sharply and saw the patrol that was leaving, leap forward out of the way. A huge wave surged forward, catching Dark, Cherrystar, Skyheart and Fidgetfoot before it retreated.

Amberleaf darted forward, grabbing the closest cat to her, which happened to be Dark. She dragged him by his scruff to solid ground. She let go and looked up, realizing she had saved a Tribe cat instead of one of her own clanmates. "Fidgetfoot!" She yowled to her mentor, but the wave had already retreated with three of her beloved clanmates, being swept away in a torrent of mud and brown water.

She dashed after them, Dewfrost and Windwhisp hard on her paws. She reached outside the waterfall and looked around for bobbing heads.

"There's Cherrystar!" Windwhisp cried.

Amberleaf followed her gaze and saw a tortoiseshell-and-white head just before it went under.

She was about to leap in after her leader but Dewfrost rested his tail on her shoulder, "Let Windwhisp get her. Go find Fidgetfoot."

Amberleaf looked at Windwhisp but realized she was already swimming toward where Cherrystar had disappeared. Amberleaf raced off on the narrow path her paws thrumming on the ground like rolling thunder, looking for signs of Fidgetfoot and Skyheart. She was about to give up when she saw heard a spluttering sound. She looked around until she saw a drenched mottled head surface. "Fidgetfoot!" She cried.

She was about to jump to save him but Fedgetfoot resurfaced and yowled, "Don't! It's not worth you and me both drowning."

"Yes, it is!"

"Listen...carefully...Amberleaf..." He stuttered, his head going under at every word, "I should...of told you...this...a long time...ago...Starclan...gave me this...message...They said...Follow the Blood Trail!" With that, Fidgetfoot's head went under and he never resurfaced.

"No!" She screamed. She wanted to go and save him but felt she shouldn't.

Suddenly, she smelled Fidgetfoot. She glanced around wildly but couldn't find him. She then felt soft, clean fur brushing against her wet, dirty one. Fidgetfoot's voice rang in her head. Follow the Blood Trail! 

How do you like the ending? Comment plz! 

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