Chapter 8

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Panic started to ripple through the cluster of cats, Blazestar was yowling out orders to the fear stricken Clan cats.

"Prinkleleap! Amberpaw! Where are you?" Fernwhisper cried. The blazing flames were inching closer and closer to camp.

"Get the kits and queens out first!" Blazestar snapped to the warriors as he leaped down the rocks to make sure everyone was out. Fernwhisper sprinted towards the medicine cat den with Prinkleleap hard on her paw steps. She slammed to a stop as she saw Amberpaw clutching Waspkit while Tigerlily carried Doekit out of camp. Okay, good. Amberpaw is heading to safety.

"Go check the elders den, Prinkleleap. I'll go see if there is anyone left in the apprentice den," Fernwhisper mewed sharply. She lifted her muzzle and saw the flames on the side of the gorge. Smoke flowed into the camp like tidal waves. As she struggled to breath, Fernwhisper raced to the apprentice den; her paws thrumming against ground. Prinkleleap skidded to a stop in front of her panting, "Everyone's out, Fernwhisper, we need to get out of here!" At that moment, the flickering flames started roaring louder. Every cat except Blazestar, Prinkleap, and Fernwhisper were out of the gorge.

"Come on Fernwhisper and Prinkleleap. We need to go, now!" Blazestar yowled from across the smoke filled clearing.

They raced towards their group of clanmates, tense with fear. Suddenly, there was a scream of a burning tree crashing into camp. The gazes of the cats turned towards camp.

Fernwhisper heard a yowl behind her, "Meadowkit! She's not here!"

Blazestar's amber eyes were narrowed at Squirreltail, "Where did you last see her?"

"In the nursery," She replied, quivering. "Oh, my dear, Meadowkit! I need to get her out, Blazestar!"

"No, I'll get her. Stay here! Fidgetfoot, Amberpaw! Help her please, and by all means, no one follow me!" Blazestar yowled over the roaring flames.

He sprinted back towards the flame lit camp. Fernwhisper watched in horror, I have to help him!

"No!" screeched Prinkleleap and Amberpaw "Don't go in there!"

She ignored her littermates cries. She had to help Blazestar. Trying to keep herself as calm as possible she leaped over the blazing hot flames. Blazestar was in the nursery searching for Meadowkit. Fernwhisper suddenly heard a faint mew. That's Meadowkit! Blazestar must have heard her too, because he dug his nose deeper into the hole in the back of the nursery where the mewling was coming from. She joined Blazestar, "You found Meadowkit!" She exclaimed.

"What are you doing here, Fernwhisper? I told you to stay with the others!" Blazestar snapped, "Well, since you decided to join me, help me with Meadowkit."

Blazestar clutched Meadowkit in his jaws and Fernwhisper followed Blazestar out of the nursery. They both stopped short, skidding on their paws. The dancing hot flames blocked the exit out of camp. "What are we going to do?" She rasped as she struggled for air. The smoke was swirling around her, clogging up her lungs. The flames crept closer and closer, lapping at her pelt. She noticed Meadowkit breathing dangerously shallow.

"We need to get out of here," Fernwhisper murmured.

Blazestar passed the squealing Meadowkit to her and he grasped a large cedar branch, hauling it over the smaller flames, "Go take Meadowkit to the others. Hurry!"

She padded quickly over the branch trying not to lose her grasp. She dug her claws into the branch while the fire seared her pelt like gripping claws. Fernwhisper leaped to safety on the other side.

As Blazestar started to pad onto the cedar branch, the branch exploded with a BOOM! Whirling, searing hot fire blocking his escape. Fernwhisper heard him yowl in pain.

"No! Blazestar!" She yowled as loudly as her lungs allowed her to while clutching Meadowkit's scruff. No...She knew she couldn't do anything to help him. He was in StarClan's paws now.

As she padded quickly towards the group of Clan cats, they all stared at her and Meadowkit, still dangling from her jaws. Smoke spots matted on her pelt.

"Blazestar?" Cherryfrost asked worriedly.

"No, Cherryfrost. I'm sorry, he didn't make it." She responded, sighing sadly

"What? He's dead?"

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