Chapter Two: Innocent

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I stared at August for a bit before looking down at my feet. At this point I have mixed emotions. I know he has a reputation as being a player, and a relentless heartbreaker but I can't help but to be attracted to him. I felt uneasy.

Silence filled the room and then it became awkward.

"Look ma, I didn't mean to..."

I cut him off by kissing him. His lips were indeed magical and they went in sync with mine. I tugged on his shirt indicating that he should take it off. He obeyed my wish. I ran my hands up and down his bare chest and kissed him again. Everything was moving so fast that I didn't know what was going on. Every time August touched me it was like my conscious mind was shut down. I felt like I had no control over anything I was doing with him.

When I snapped back into it I realized that August and I were laid out on my bed. I was also shirtless and he was kissing me all over. But instead of enjoying it I started to panic, I've never done anything like this before.

I guess August noticed me panicking because he stopped, looked at me for a bit then grabbed our shirts. He handed me my shirt and I quickly put it on while watching him put his shirt back on.

"August I'm sorry...", I said holding my head down. "Look ma, it's no big deal honestly. Don't worry I know you're a goody-good and all."

"No I'm not.", I said defensively.
He chuckled. "What's so funny?".
"You",he stated simply. "How?"

"Cause everybody and I mean everybody knows that you are a good girl. You don't smoke. You don't drink. And you damn sure don't hook up with any niggas. So therefore you're a GOOD GIRL. A very good girl.", he said with a raised eyebrow waiting for me to protest.

I just sighed because he was right.

"Aye ma there ain't nothing wrong with being a good girl ya' know.", he said with that accent.

I smiled.

"I should get going before your psycho ass brother come up here and murk me or something". I laughed but he was serious. "He wouldn't do that", I said.

He gave me a serious look and shook his head, "Goodnight ma."

"Night August, I had a good time", I said while watching him walk out my bedroom.

He smirked, "I bet you did."

August Point of View (P.O.V)

I walked out of May's room and headed downstairs, I saw Ronnie outside the front door talking to some nigga. To avoid him I slipped out the backdoor. I'm only 16, I don't want my life cut short because of Ronnie finding out I was trying to seduce his little sister. I don't need any added drama right now.


On my short walk home I started thinking about that pretty little broad, May. Alright. I admit that I'm feeling shawty. I don't see how a nigga can't like her. She's pretty and innocent.
And most importantly she's different.
She ain't like these other broads out here, she has self respect and I respect that. It's just too bad I'm doing business with her brother now. If he ever found out I was messing around with his little sister, nigga would kill me.

But... I want her.
And you always want what you can't have.

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