Chapter Four: Temptation

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August's P.O.V

I walked down the street and off Ronnie's block. I pulled the piece of paper out my pocket with the address written on it.

"426 Harlem Ave.", I said to myself.

The address sounded familiar but I had no time to try and investigate. I knew that it would take me at least 30 minutes to get there even with cutting through alleyways, so I held my composure and was on my way.

May's P.O.V

I slipped into my house and all the lights were off so I assumed my mother was asleep. I closed the front door gently and locked all three of the locks. I tiptoed upstairs and managed to ease inside my bedroom being fairly quiet. It was way passed my curfew. I sat on my bed and then I heard a small knock on my door. I was reluctant to answer the door because I knew I was caught if I did open it still fully dressed and all. But I opened it anyways revealing a tired looking woman.

"Hey mom.", I said with the sweetest smile possible.

She wasn't amused, "Where were you all this time? You know your curfew is at 9:30!"

"I was with... August."

"August? Next door August?"

I nodded.

"What were y'all doing?", she raised her eyebrow.

"Talking. Just hanging out.", I stated simply.

She gave me a "you better not be lying to me, cause if you are, I'll find out face" then walked out.

I shut the door and sat back on my bed. I was relieved. Luckily my mom likes August. She thinks he's so polite and such a good boy. Obviously she doesn't know August very well.

11:45 pm...

After I showered and braided my hair up for the night, I decided to text Selena. I was waiting for her to reply but I was getting really sleepy and kept dozing off. Thinking about August kept me awake though.

I came to realization that I needed to really talk with him about everything. The drug situation, our relationship, the whole nine. We need to discuss a lot but I guarantee when I get near him again I'll lose my whole train of thought. I always do.

It's sort of insane how fast I'm falling for this guy. I mean I suppose I always liked him a little. In school I'd watch him sometimes. I'd see how he acted around his friends, how he acted when he was alone, and how he acted when he was in class and he'd always be as laid back and collective as he is now. But sometimes he'd let his temper get the best of him. I saw him get so mad one time, it scared me honestly. But overall he's a laid back guy.

The only reason I watch him is because I honestly find him so beautiful. I don't know, it's just something about him that my soul admires. That's why when I'm with him I stare at him.

And occasionally I'd catch him staring at me too. In school I always felt his eyes on me, watching me, but he'd never say anything other than "hey" or whatever. But now he stares at me with lust and something that I can't quite identify.

All I know is that he got me. Whatever he tells me to do I'd probably do it because he makes my mind so weak that I can't even think for myself.

He said that he wanted to have his way with me, then asked if I would let him. When he let those words escape him I was turned on yet ashamed, because I knew that I'd let him do whatever to me. He has total control over me when I'm with him.

I shouldn't even be thinking thoughts like that but I can't help it. Just the thought of him and I alone gives me an indescribable feeling. I started lustfully fantasizing about him and I.

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