" Its over Rick !" Edited

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Rick said he has a list of all the compounds that Negan has. It makes me worried that Negan could lose this war. Rick told me that we are heading to another outpost to take a supply of guns before they can get to the sanctuary.

If the guns make it to Negan then they can clear the walkers out and take Rick out. I don't want Rick dead or his people but I have to find a way to make sure that the guns do get to Negan.

I am debating this while we make our way to this outpost.

" I know you love him and leaving him was hard for you but you made the right decision leaving ."

I will always love him.

I wiped some sweat from my forehead as I looked over at Rick.

" Negan didn't give me a choice. He said he wanted me and the baby safe until he gets things under control.

I know he will get the sanctuary back under control so I can go back to him ."

Rick let out a sigh, while his hands rested on his hips.

" Our plan is to take him out and end him. We can't live under his rule anymore. He has to die Katie. I know that sounds harsh to you but .."

I cut him off " No I get it! He killed your friends and has made your lives hell. I used to want him dead too after he made me kill Trey.

I hated him. I wished every day that I could just have the courage to kill him but then I realized something.

"What's that?"

"I didn't want to live my life hating someone. I wanted to be happy and find love again. Yes, he has done terrible things and yes he can be evil. I know all of that, and I have accepted him anyway.

He does take care of his people Rick and he does take real good care of me. I know he has a good man in him. I just wish you and him had never met so I could have my life with him without the fear of losing another person I love!

So do me a favor and stop acting like killing Negan is something that will make me happy because it won't! It will devastate me! But at least you will get your revenge !" I exclaimed as I glanced out the window.

We remained silent until we arrived at the outpost. " Stay here !" Rick states quickly as he meets up with every one of his men.

The tension is killing me as I see them all make their way in the compound. I hear guns going off and then utter silence. I decide I can't wait anymore and walk inside.

I go up a flight of stairs and see a man holding a gun at Rick. Rick looks at me for help as I walk in. The man looks at me and curiously.

" Who the hell are you ?"

"I am Katie. One of the Negans wives ."

He raises his eyebrow.

" Why are you here? With these people ?"

"Negan wanted me to be safe, and since the sanctuary was attacked, he had me leave with him. "

" I see! Well, I got word to the sanctuary that we are under attack and they are on their way here. Negan said to keep you safe until then ."

"Can I talk to him ?"

He hands me the walkie.

"Negan? Are you there?"

I waited for what seemed like forever until I hear ." Yes, baby, I am here. Stay where you're at. We are coming ."

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