Love is a battlfield

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" Could you please tell me why the hell you thought it was a good idea to put your life at risk?"  

" I was scared Negan! I thought Simon was going to kill the people at hilltop! My brothers are there! "  

Negan paced in front of me as I sat on our bed. His eyes burned with anger at my recklessness and stupidity. His keeps his back to me as he lets out a heavy sigh.

" Why did you think he would kill them?"  

" I was standing outside getting some air when Simon came marching outside. He seemed angry he said he didn't care what you said, that they are going to die. I just had to make sure it wasn't my brothers. I know what I did was stupid but ..."

" Your damn right it was! Do you realize you could have killed yourself! Or harmed our child! Or did that not occur to you while you're out trying to save everybody! "

" I was trying to save my family! I am not out there saving random people like Carl ."

" Carl got killed because Rick wasn't there to stop him from making a dumb decision! I won't have you killed because I couldn't stop you from doing the same thing!"

" What is that supposed to mean? What are you going to do? Lock me away in a cell so you don't have to worry about me ?" 

Negan turned around abruptly showing me the pain in his eyes. The once confident leader was now allowing small tears to run down his cheek.

" Is that how you see me? Do you honestly believe I could ever do that to you? "

The sound in his voice echoed betrayal and pain. My words were like daggers to his heart, piercing his flesh with deadly accuracy. I held my face in my hands as loud sobs escaped my lips.

" I am sorry. I wasn't thinking when I said that. I know you would never do that.  Please forgive me Negan."

Negan's face softened as he saw the remorse on my face. He eyes held mine in a brief moment of silence before he sat down beside me.

" I need you to stay here. I can't protect the sanctuary if I am worried about you leaving. I have no clue what Ricks next move is and I need to be ready for whatever comes next. I am trying my best to keep this place together, and not let it fall apart. "

I laid my head on his right shoulder inhaling his scent. The mixture of leather and his cologne relaxes the stressed muscles in my body. Suddenly Negan gets up abruptly. 

" Did you say Simon said he didn't care what I said? That he was killing people no matter what ?"

I lifted my head meeting his firm gaze.

" Yes, he killed all of the people at the dump, all except Jadis he left her alive to live with their deaths on her conscience. "

Negan's face darkened with anger as his eyes bore into mine.

" He killed them all?"


Negan picked up Lucile ready to take Simon out. He marched for our door ready to leave, but I placed my hand on his.

" Simon made a mistake. He was angry after the loss of his niece. He needs to cool off before you go talk to him ."

" I don't plan on talking. I plan on killing him for defying me! I warned him to just kill one! I was very clear about that! I said to send the standard message. We need people to help run this place. We are supposed to save people! Killing people to solve the problem is the easy way out. He knew that and he still went against me!"

I placed my hand over his heart.

" Killing him to solve the problem is the easy way out too! We need all the men we can alive right now! He didn't do it to defy you! He did it because he was angry and in pain. He is loyal to you !"

Negan kept his grip firm on the door handle debating on what to do. He let out a heavy sigh as his hand unclasped the knob in a mild surrender.

"I will think about what to do with him. I know I need men but what he did was wrong . I am going to take a shower. Would you like to join me ?"

His eyes pleaded for me to say yes. I wrapped my arms around his neck as my nose touched his chin.

" I would love too."

I squealed with delight as he picked me up carrying me to the shower. He lifted up my dress over my head in one swift moment. His hand traced over the bare skin of my arm sending in tender strokes. Our eyes connected with sensual desire and love. His rough calloused finger traced down my shoulders finding my bra clasp. He unclasped my braw then slowly brought that strap down my arm painful slow.  

His eyes seem to be in awe of me as his hand ghosted over each breast not missing any part. His large hand engulfed my chin bringing my chin up so his eyes loving eyes could make contact with mine.

" I will do whatever it takes to keep anyone you care about safe. I will bring your brothers here. They will be well taken care of. I promise you, Katie. That will keep you and our baby safe until my last breath. "

Negan crouched down leaving a soft kiss on my stomach. He then looped his fingers in the lining of my underwear and pulled the lace fabric to my ankles. I stepped out of them leaving me completely naked.

He pushed my legs apart slightly sending pleasurable surges in my body. His warm tongue entered my tender folds with deadly precision. I decided to let go for now, and not worry about anything. Just enjoy the pleasure my husband is giving me.

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