Chapter 7

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(Your point of view)

"Why are you sorry?" He asked me with a questioning glance. Why did he have to ask that.

"You shouldn't have had to save me like that. You could have gotten really hurt and it would have been all my fault." I responded to him while looking at my feet. Tears attempted to spill out of my eyes but I kept them in.

He lifts up my chin and gazed into my eyes with an emotion I never thought I would see from him. It was love that I saw in his eyes. Almost as if it was fate we slowly closed the gap in between us. My eyes fluttered shut and a pair of lips made their way onto mine. He gently laid me back on my bed with him towering over me. I kissed him back gently not really sure how to because it was my first kiss. Slowly we parted for oxygen and he smiled gently at me.

"Not bad for your first kiss, (y/n)." He smirked at me while a tick mark appeared on my head.

"How do you know it was my first kiss!" I growled out even though he was right.

"Oh..." he pinned me down and looked into my eyes with a challenging smirk.

I glared right back at him with as much determination as he had. I was not going to let him say something like that and get away with it.

He started to nip at my neck a bit and asked me "You sure you don't wanna change your answer?"

I however was able to keep myself in check and said calmly "Nah I'm good."

He looked down at me and lifted his eyebrow. Deciding to change tactics he began tickling my stomach.

I couldn't control my fits of laughter as they bursted out of me. Tears began to spill from my eyes as he smiled at me while asking "How about now?"

"N-n-nev-ver-r!" I screamed out in pants trying hard to breathe and respond to him at the same time. Soon though I could no longer breathe and yelled "Viktor c-can't breathe."

"Then tell me was that your first kiss?" He smirked down at me knowing he had won.

"Y-yes." Immediately the tickles stopped and I smiled at him with a small pout.

"See was that so hard."

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