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"Don't you think it's safe to say that you suck at doing anything else but studying?" Emmanuel Peters chuckled. He joined his best friend Desire on the bench complimented by the numerous vines and leaves from the tree behind.

Desire, without looking up at her friend, grimaced. "I have a test tomorrow."

Emmanuel leaned back and stared at her binder. "Well, no one told you to take AP French. That's like asking for an ass whopping."

"How about you go back to working out over there." Desire grumbled. It was the first of October in South Village, Brooklyn where the sun still shined and the humidity still at its peak as if it was a summer's day.

Accompanying her friend to his work out sessions in the park, Desire couldn't help but to bring her books. Emmanuel didn't really mind, but he sometimes thought that Desire didn't care about anything else.

Emmanuel mindlessly kicked around the small pebble remains that's circled around his shoe. He gnawed at his lip, debating whether he should say what was on his mind.

"Are you just going to watch me in vexation?" Desire pried.

Emmanuel gave her a dirty look before getting up. He walked over to the field and began to run his laps. Desire looked up at her friend and shook her head in humor. Her best friend was something else.

Desire met Emmanuel during Sophomore year of high school. Desire was immediately drawn to him, only to find out he way gay. She then thought it was better to at least have him as a friend. She's never admitted her little crush on him, although he swears that he always knew.

Emmanuel adjusted to Desire's sudden change in attitude really quick. He understood her and why she acted the way she did. It also made it easier that they never had the same classes, so they never bumped heads. However, he sometimes felt that she needed to check herself.

He thought she was a beautiful and dangerously smart and talented girl. People didn't know the real her. They let their intimidation stop them from seeing the big canvas of fearlessness that was Desire Simmons.

Desire decided to pick her head up from her book. Her neck had begun to feel stiff. She watched Emmanuel run on the black asphalt field. She loved coming to the park with him on Sunday's to unwind and talk about their future and expectations.

Desire sometimes was unsure of what she wanted from this life. She viewed life as a big bubble, just waiting to burst one day. Life to her was risking your life everyday. As soon as you step out of your house, your life is at risk. Anything can happen to you at any moment in this prodigious world. Your bubble can burst at any given moment without warning, without explanation. Desire just struggled with having a passion that made these risks worthwhile. She would say that her love for school and success was her passion, but she sometimes felt that she needed something more.

Nevertheless, she often times believed that life was just a big game. Desire was a firm believer in God. She's gone to church almost every Sunday since she was four years old. However, she still had her uncertainties. Life to her was a very touchy subject. It's as if God was playing a board game and all humanity were his board pieces.

He chooses where he wants us to go and how we get there, just for us to die and return back to the maker. She knew that certain aspects in life, we do control. But she found herself giving up sometimes. If God is in control and knows our path, do we interfere with this path with the certain choices we make? Or, is it all apart of God's next move?

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