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didn't proof read 😂

"He's in my PE class!" Emmanuel shrieked. Without a good-morning, he bombarded Desire with his evident excitement. "You weren't lying! That boy is..beyond fine." He continued.

Desire shook her head at her friend and snickered. "Now look who's lovestruck."

"Nah, he's almost too fine. He looks like a pretty boy. Maybe I'll get lucky." Emmanuel winked.

"Okay but when he turns out to not be gay don't come crying to me." Desire shrugged.

"You don't have to be rude." Emmanuel grumbled. "Did you talk to him yet?"

"It's only been a week! He hasn't even opened his mouth to answer a question in class yet. How do you expect me to talk to him?"

"I️ don't know, I️ thought you would've. You had your radar set on your target. I️ thought you would've shot by now."

Emmanuel and Desire walked into Beckles High, both letting out sigh of relief to be out of the cold. It was typical New York weather. Warm one second, cold the next. Last week, it was still in the high sixties with the sun shining. Drastically, it dropped to forty degrees with a bitter wind.

Desire walked Emmanuel to his class and made her way to Mrs. Harrison. To her surprise, Deion was already in the classroom speaking to Mrs. Harrison. It looked like a personal matter so Desire moved from view. Mrs. Harrison motioned for her to come in.

"Morning," Desire said lowly. Deion glanced in her direction. He looked to be tired disoriented even.

Desire took her seat quietly and tried to not pry in on their conversation. However, she couldn't help but listen.

"I️ know it's a new school and I've seen your records. I️ know what you've been through and I️ know you love school. Try to channel that pain into your work, okay?" Mrs. Harrison whispered and touched Deion's arm.

"I️ will. I️ just needed time to adjust." Deion replied, a slight strain in his voice.

"Understandable. I'll be expecting you to participate." With that, Deion nodded and took his seat on the other side of the room. Desire looked at him skeptically for a beat before bringing her attention to Mrs. Harrison.

"Stop being nosey, girl!" She whispered, swatting Desire's arm lightly.

"Sorry," Desire chuckled. "Is he okay?"

"He's fine. He just moved here so you know, he needs a little time to adjust."

Desire looked at Mrs. Harrison perplexed. "Is there more to it?"

"You know I'm not at liberty to say." Mrs. Harrison sighed and glanced over at Deion who's face was in his phone, blocking out their conversation with his music.

"He likes school," She continued. "I'm just tying to make him comfortable so he doesn't lose that enjoyment."

Desire looks at Deion once again, this time defiantly. "He likes school, huh?" She said, almost to herself.

"Relax tiger." Mrs. Harrison jokes and returns to her.

Now Desire definitely needed to get to know this boy.

Desire took a deep breath and walked over to Deion. Sensing her presence, Deion looked up before she reached him. He gave her a confused look as he proceeded to take out his red headphones.

"What's up?" He asked.

Desire stood up straight and put out her hand. "I'm Desire Simmons. Nice to meet you."

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