🍁•one - Edward guy•🍁

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Two weeks ago.

"Yes!" I cheered as I won some racing games against my friend, Leah. "Ha." I laughed on her face.

"Alright, alright. Don't have to rub it all over my face." She laughed.

"I must! I can be a professional driver now." I joked "I can be in F1 and stuff." I added as we went to the next game. "Heck, a dancing game? I'll pass."

As usual.

"Alright, but let me." she said as she inserted a coin in the game as it started. It wasn't a secret - Leah is a good dancer in this dancing studio in San Francisco.

She had made a few of her own choreography and I'm never not amazed. I watched as she started to move her feet along to the lighted spot as her feet started to move in a very fast pace.

"What the hell..," I said as I clapped my hands for her.

I will never understand how people can dance. I literally look like a duck when I'm dancing. So dancing isn't something I would do, unless if I'm alone, in my room, away from people.

"Alright, I'm going to buy you a drink since I lost the bet." Leah said as we went to the nearest coffee shop - Starbucks.

"As usual." I said as I sat down. I waited for Leah who was ordering our drinks as she stopped when the guy flirted with her.

I shook my head and took my phone out, noticing a missed call from Amy, my workmate. I placed my phone back in my pocket as Leah came back.

She sat in front of me and smiled, "You know .. there's this party tonight.." she started.

"We both know that I'm not a party person." I smiled.

"We both know you're lying." she said. "C'mon, come with me. I have no friends there." she added.

"So, you're not friends with the person who invited you?"

"The barista there invited me." she said as she pointed to the guy who flirted with her earlier.

Oh God. "Do come. We'll just be there for a few hours." she begged.

"Alright, alright. What's his name?" I asked.

"It's Bruce and thanks! I'll pick you up later." she grinned as she got up, making me notice that the drinks aren't in mugs.

"I need to go for a quick party dress shopping. See you later!" she said as she blew a kiss, making me roll my eyes.

I took my drink and got up before making my way to my car, driving back home. I got in and closed the door just as my housemate, Maya smiled at me.

"How was the 'no-stress' day?" she asked.

"Stressful." I hissed, making her chuckle. "So spill." she said as she made me a drink.

"Leah invited me to this party and I can't run from it." I sighed, making her frown. "You're not good with parties, you know." she said.

"It's funny how I've known Leah more longer than you but you know me better than she does." I laughed.

Leah is my friend since high school - we weren't that close during high school. We were in the same group of friends but she's the most distant among them but after our friends got into college, I'm stuck with her.

I met Maya when I was buying this house. Since she needed a house to live in and her college was nearby. I thought that having a roommate wouldn't be a sin. Plus, she's out most of the time. I must say, she's a cool person.

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