🍁•thirteen - a invitation•🍁

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I groaned as I woke up, my head feeling dizzy as my lips dry. Looking over to my clock, I groaned and got up. Getting dressed, I tried my my best to go to work. How did I even got home, though? Starting the car, I drove to my workplace as I walked into my office. "Amy." I called as she walked in, looking at me. I heard her chuckle, "Did you party last night or something?" she asked.

"Don't know - don't remember. Can you make me coffee or something?" I asked as she laughed.
"Yeah, sure. I'll give you some of my pastries too."

As she walked in, I smell the drink before looking at her. "Peppermint tea cures hangovers. Eat up, someone wants to meet you at noon for a wedding plan or some shit, I heard."

"Alright, alright." I said as I finished the drink before eating the food Amy gave me. "You look like shit." she commented.

"Thanks." I said as she chuckled, "C'mon, go shower in the bathroom and we'll dress you up in something nicer in the dressing room."

"I don't want to-"

"Chloe Moley, you literally look like a zombie. Just listen to me. C'mon." she said as she pulled me up.

Making my way towards the toilet, we had our own shower there just in case someone works overnight. Undressing, I took a long shower before drying myself, wearing my undergarments. Covering myself with my towel, I watch as Amy picked a dress for me. "Can we actually wear that?" I asked.

"It's been here for years. Plus, it'll fit you."

It was just a normal black sleeveless top with a long black and white skirt to match. "Alright then." I said as I got dress. Amy dried my hair as she combed it. "There's no need to style it. Now, wear your make up. I have something to do." she told as she left. Sighing to myself, I did my make up before walking back to my office.

Turning my laptop on, I sighed as I received another project.

I watch as Amy came in. "So .., the person who came for the wedding thingy came early.. " she told as I looked at her. "Yeah, sure. Just call them in." I told her as she looked reluctant. "Y'all can come in." she said as I watch two people walk in.

Are you kidding me?

"Hi, Chloe." he said as he made that smirk that I really hated.

"HI, Jonas. Aria." I forced a smile as I told them to sit.

Be professional.

They sat in front of me. "Well, the reason isn't because we need your service but actually, I'd like to invite you to our wedding." he said as I looked at him. Aria smiled as she handed me an invitation card. "It's in Santa Barbara. I really hope you can come." she said as I smiled back.

"I'll check my schedule." I said as I placed the invitation card aside. "Thanks for inviting me." I thanked as they got up, leaving as I walked out with them. Aria looked back at me as she held my hand. "I really want you as my bridesmaid." she smiled as I smiled back. "I really don't know if I can attend your wedding." I told as she gave me a small smile.

"Alright then. But do promise me you'll do everything it takes you to come." she said as I chuckled.
"I'll try my best."

Waving them goodbye, I bot my bottom lip as I went beck to office to read the invitation card given. "They're getting married." I whispered as I breathed out. The wedding is two weeks away, which means I didn't have to worry about anything.

"Stay positive." I whispered. "He isn't worth it." I told myself. Going back to my laptop, I tried to focus on my work, only to know that I couldn't. Feeling messed up, I went to my phone and called Edward. Waiting for him to answer, it went to the voicemail. Cursing, I got up early only to get a call. Looking at the caller, it was Leah. Blinking for a few times, I answered the call.

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