🍁•two - getting to know you•🍁

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I scoffed, "I don't lie all the time." I spat as he looked at me.

"I do believe in that but you know, pretty girls like you, I can't expect what's come." he said.

I tried to ignore the fact he called me pretty- "Sounds rough, are you alright?"

"Just fine." he said as he took a big gulp on his drink. "You know, you shared your secret with me for a dollar." he smiled. "I paid you a dollar to listen to your secret." he elaborated. I frowned, "I'm sorry you had to listen to my drunken thoughts." I said.

"Nope, I actually like hearing them . It made me feel less miserable." he said, making me roll my eyes. "What an attitude you have." I said as I took my phone out. "What an attitude you have." he said, making me confused.

"Don't look at your phone during a conversation, my friend. That's just rude - the fact that I'm trying to make a conversation with you but you're wanting to talk to someone on your phone. I'm right in front of you, right now. Focus on me." he said as he pulled my phone away from my hands. I didn't stop him though.

"Now, talk to me. Introduce yourself back to me. The only thing I know about you is, your name is Chloe and you have one hell of a friend at home. She yelled at me when I answered your phone." he said, making me chuckle.

"Well, I'm twenty one years old, Toby's friend. I work at a flower shop near the Central Park- ,"

"The one named Wishing Tree?"

"Yeah, the shop name is Wishing Tree." I laughed. "You must know that place - ever bought a flower there for your girlfriend?" I joked but he didn't seem to find that funny.

"Not really, just passed there a few times." he said.

"Alright then."

It's no secret, the shop I worked at is well-known. I mean, good customer service, fresh flowers - well, at least that's what was stated on online reviews. For me, the place is just .., normal.

Yes, we would do a few wedding events but I don't think we're that good. Although, I must say the owner - my boss - is an angel. Not just in the form of her face but also in the form of her attitude and how she does her work. You could say she's my idol.

"Is that just it?"

"What do you mean?"

"Is that just all about you?"

"Well, if you thought my life was interesting, I must apologize."

He seemed to be taken aback with the reply. "Well then." he blurted.

I gulped and leaned on the balcony, "So, tell me about yourself, Edward Collins."

"Come on, at least I told you a little bit about me. I don't even know how old are you."

"I'm twenty three."

"Heck! You're older than me."

"I'm Edward, twenty three, I work at my father's company and I might be taking over one day." he said as he took a small gulp of his drink.

"You like working there?"

"It's a little stressful but it's OK." he said, throwing the red cup over the balcony, earning a yelling from a drunk man.

"Whoops." he said, making me laugh.

"I'm hungry, so let's go downstairs." he said a he held my hand before pulling them.

I pulled my hands from him, "I know my way to the stairs." I said as I walked passed him, opening the door. "Ladies first." I said as he walked pass me, giving me a hit of his cologne I never seem to notice before. I followed him as he went downstairs as we heard loud music being played.

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