🍁•seven - meeting Mr.Collins•🍁

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A chuckle left his lips, "I'm glad you're alright." he said as his hands went to face, slowly caressing my cheek. "I'm glad you're alright and since it's Sunday, I guess you'll get to relax." he said as he ruffled my hair slowly. Getting on my bed, I sat down as I pulled him with me. Hands reaching for my phone, I turned it back on before looking at Edward. "I'll make you breakfast." I said as I tried getting up, only to be pulled back down.

"Bath first. Freshen up and I'll wait outside." he said as he left the room.

Smiling to myself, I got up and did exactly what he told me yo.

Getting into my proper clothes, I watched Edward sitting outside of my room. "Let's." I said as I pulled him downstairs. Washing his face on the toilet, he stood beside me. "What are you cooking?" he asked as I looked at him. "Pancakes." I said, as I flipped one. "I love seeing you tattoo." he said as held my waist, as I felt my heart beat faster. As I was done, I placed them on the plate before grabbing my maple syrup and strawberries in the fridge. "Your favorite." I said, showing him the strawberries I had before cutting them into smaller pieces.

Placing then in his pancake, I sat down in front of him.

"There's something I need to tell you later." he said. "Might as well tell me now." I told as I continued on eating. "Later." he said, finishing his dish as he went behind to clean it up. As I finished, I cleaned everything up before looking at him. Sitting in front of him, I watch as he took his engagement ring off. "I want to show you off to my father." he said, taking me by surprise. "This engagement I have with Kayla, it's arranged." he confessed as he played with the ring.

"My dad wants me to marry her but I do not love her. I can't love her, even though she's a nice person. I just can't." he said, licking his lips. "And I don't know ; I have this feeling in which I can love you. And I don't want to let the feeling go to waste. So can you come for dinner tomorrow night? With my dad and I?" he asked as I looked down to my hands.

"I don't know..." I said.

"This is so sudden." I continued as I looked at him. "Plus, I just met you."

"But don't you believe that love comes when its supposed to?"

"I do believe in that."

"Then what's stopping you?" he asked as he looked at me.

Looking at him, I don't know. I didn't what was stopping me.

I honestly feel scared. Scared that I might lose him by doing this, scared that his father might not accept me. Scared to lose a person I don't plan on losing because I'm so tired of losing the people I love - no matter how hard I'll try to keep the person I love beside me, they'll always be gone. I guess that's what the phrase 'everything you touch surely dies' means. I guess I'm just scarred of losing people in my life, because I'm scared of feeling the feeling I do not want to feel.

I'm scared of the feeling lonely. The loneliness might just kill me. The thing is that I have tons of people around me but yet I'm lonely and I do not get why I have to feel this way. I don't get why must I feel so lonely and unwanted?

Holding my hand, Edward slowly kissed them "Don't be scared." he said. "It'll be fine."

Gulping, I trusted him. "Alright then. I'll go." I said as he grinned. "Good. I'll fetch you tomorrow." he said as he kissed my hand once again. Getting up, he looked at me. "I'll see you tomorrow." he said and kissed my forehead before leaving my house. Smiling to myself, I walked in to find Maya wiggling her eyebrows. "A date tomorrow?" she asked as I rubbed my temple.

"Something like that."

"Then you need something new to wear."

"I don't-,"

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