🍁•three - he's engaged•🍁

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"Are you serious?" I stated the obvious. Don't get me wrong - he's a good guy. But there's only three things that I know about him and those are ; his name is Edward Collins, he's twenty three years old and he works for his father.

I can still call him an acquaintance - someone I barely know, yet that doesn't mean that I'm not interested in knowing him. I am but it's too fast. An hour ago I was at Toby's house, having a 'small talk' with him and now, he's asking me for breakfast.

Too fast .

"I am serious."

"I barely know you."

"Didn't stop you from getting in my car."

I bit my bottom lip. "Alright then but before that, I need to know more about you. Just a little bit more, something other than your name, age and job." I said, earning a smile from him.

"Like what? You have to tell me what you'd like to know!" he teased, making me roll my eyes - I lost count of how many times I've rolled my eyes when I'm with this guy. "Just start with your hobby." I said, bluntly. He tapped his chin using his index finger ; slowly thinking. "Hobby...," he muttered.

"Well, I like to collect polaroids. I must say. And I also like to walk around the town alone, that's a hobby too, right?"

"I guess so." I said, my hands reaching for my drink. "What's your hobby? You're a stranger too, you know."

"I've no hobby." I said, reaching for my bag as I took a cigarette out, making Edward eyed me. "I can smoke?" I asked.

"Didn't know you smoked."

"You don't know a lot about me."

"Neither do you." he said as he reached for a cigarette in his pocket, with his lighter also. He lighted his cigarette before moving over to mine, "Thanks." I said, before healing the addictive nicotine.

Not that I'm addicted because of 'it's nicotine' but I'm addicted with the feeling I get when my throat burns, when my lungs feels suffocated with the type of smoke it doesn't need. Well, you can call me crazy for liking that feeling.

"You sure you don't have any hobbies? I mean, not to judge but you're a girl. Sometimes morning routines can be a hobby to you." he said as he puffed out a lump of smoke from his nose.

"Alright." I said, thinking, deep into my mind. What do I enjoy doing, actually? There's nothing I enjoy doing, you can say my life is pointless.

"I like sitting in coffee shops." I blurted. "I enjoy the giddy feeling you get when you're in a cafe, alone, reading a novel. You know where no one will disturb you and you'll feel like that's the meaning of life ; peace. Plus, I like filling up my diary." I said, coughing.

"You still have a diary?"

"I do."

"Well, that's something people nowadays don't keep." he said, chuckling.

"My diary keeps me calm whenever nobody is around, you know? It's like wreck this journal, it's keeps me calm at times I need to be calm. People aren't there for you 24/7 and other people have their own worries in life. It's better to keep my worries to myself, I think." I said, hugging my legs.

"Well, you can express your worries to me." he said, reaching for my phone that was laying near me.

"No password? Well, that's a first." he said as he typed something down before calling someone as his phone started to vibrate. He handed my phone back, "I've pinned my number in your phone. You can call me anytime and I'm going to save your number." he said, saving my number on his phone.

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