🍁•eight - love & death bed•🍁

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It's been awhile since I've smoked.

Lighting up the cigarette, I slowly sucked in the nicotine before breathing it out slowly. Truthfully, I started smoking when I was seventeen. I didn't know why but when I was younger, my father tends to smoke outside of my house and I became curious on how it felt like. I remember my throat burning, also as I coughed multiple times due to the smoke. I silently swore to myself that I didn't want to smoke again. But I then miss the feeling and tried it once more and I haven't really stopped smoking 'till now.

Half of me regretted trying as half of me barely gave a shit - it's the past. Unless if I had a time machine, I'd rather have people not talk about my smoking habits. I walked back in and continued on my design for Edward's event. Amy walked in as she chuckled at me, "Use your own creativity, huh?"

"That's so general and ugh, it's stressing me up."

Amy laughed, "Just do what you do. Art."

"Art is not what I create. What I create is ... chaos."

"Stop quoting Halsey." she said as she left, making me laugh with myself.

Grabbing a piece of paper, I smiled as I got an idea.


"Have you ever been to a carnival before?" Edward asked as he looked at me.

"Not really." I said. "I've always wondered what's so good about carnivals."

"Well. you'll get to know." he said as we reached the carnival. It was getting dark but I guess it'll close when it's near midnight. "So you haven't been in a bumper car ride?" Edward asked a I shook my head. "Oh my." he said as he held my hand. "We must go on a bumper ride." he said as we lined up. I watched as everyone in the ride was bumping each other as they laughed.

I've always seen people play this on television but I never got the chance to try it, honestly. As it was our turn, we go in separate cars. "How do I do this?" I asked as I randomly spun the steering wheel, bumping into numerous people as I laughed to myself. Feeling someone bump me, I looked at Edward as he laughed at me. Moving on, we went to the next ride ; The Viking. It looked scary, which means it's fun.

Sitting beside Edward, I held his hand as the ride started. I laughed as we got higher, trying to hold my hair back. Moving into more rides such as ; teacup, UFO, Turbo Drop, Skydiver, I know now why people would go to carnivals. "Let's stop going on rides." Edward said as he felt dizzy. Chuckling, I didn't mind. We then went to the carnival games - the ones you'll hardly win.

"Which teddy bear would you like?" Edward asked as I pointed at the biggest teddy bear. He chuckled, "Alright then." he said as we went to the Dart Game, in which he'll have to throw darts at the water balloons. Trying, he succeeded to blow three out of four balloons. Getting the second biggest teddy bear, I kissed his cheek. "You're alright with that?"

"I'm alright with anything." I said, as we walked around, eating hot dogs.

"Ever been on a ferris wheel?" he asked as I shook my head.

"You'll love it."

Getting up, we lined up for the ferris wheel and as we got in, I looked out to enjoy the view. "Looks like it's going to rain." I said as I noticed it coming. "Then let it rain." Edward said. "It'll be cold tonight." I said as I leaned back, Edward looking at me. As much as I looked away, he still got his eyes on me, making me chuckle. "What?" I asked.


"Why are you staring at me like that ! And don't tell me it's because I'm beautiful or some shit."

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