Chapter 5

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I look terrible. When I look in the mirror, I see someone, but that someone isn't me. It can't be. "You look terrible, Tae-ah. Are you sick?", Namjoon-hyung asked me landing a hand on my shoulder. "I'm okay, hyung. I didn't sleep very well last night.", "Do you want me to make you something?", Jin-hyung asked while approaching us. "No need, thank you!", I gave a small smile. They're so kind.

We left the dorm to go to the practice room. Yoongi-hyung pat my back when we were leaving. He's been more kind to me since we talked. When we are alone, he asks me if I want to go to the studio with him. I usually sleep on the tinny sofa. We barely talk, but the fact of having hyung there, I feel a bit better and safer. Can't explain it.

We practice a lot. In the beginning was hard for me to focus. My head felt like it was going to explode... After a while, my thoughts traveled far away. My mind put my body on automatic pilot and I danced without thinking what I was doing. I felt like a fucking ghost. It was like the time stopped. Such a strange feeling...

I felt a pair of arms being wrapped around my waist. I was looking at the ground and didn't even bother to look back, "Jiminie, not in the mode to play. I'm sorry...". "Not Jimin...", a strong voice said next to my ear. I swear I almost shit my pants. My eyes widened and I looked at the mirror in front of me. There was no one in the room except for me and Hoseok-hyung. He held me tight: his body was glued to mine. His body was warm. My body shook. His face was so close to my ear I could feel his warm breath on my skin.

"Why are you shivering, Tae? Are you cold?", oh fuck. "N-no... Y-yes?... I-I don't know...", I really had no idea of what I was saying. He smiled. Was almost like a... Devilish smile? «I'm seeing things...». There were some noises outside the room. "Keep your head together, Tae...", he told me letting go. But while he did that, one of his hands slightly robed my starting-to-form bulge and I almost moaned.

The door opened and the guys came in talking loud. I have no idea what was going on, but Jin-hyung was laughing in his typical windshield laugh. I took a glance at myself in the mirror: my chicks were red, and I know it wasn't because of the practice... I pass through them and went to the bathroom. I heard Jungkook ask, "Where is he going?", "I think he said he needed some fresh air...", Hoseok-hyung said. My fucking lord, is he messing with me?

I entered the bathroom. Good, no one inside. I breath loudly gasping for air. What was that?! It makes no sense! The door opens, "Taetae, what happened? Are you okay?", Jimin-ssi says as he enters. "What did you told Hobi-hyung?", I ask almost screaming, "Nothing! I told him nothing! Why? What happened?", "This happened!", I say pointing at my bulge. Jimin-ssi started to laugh. Funny, Jimin? Really? "What happened?", "He back hugged me and then he started whispering in my ear and... And... And this happened!"

Jimin-ssi was looking at me with part of amusement and part chock, "I really don't know, Tae. I told him nothing.". I heavy signed, "I need to cool off...". V stands for vivid... Damn, little Tae!...

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