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To say Jungkook was nervous was an understatement. He was beyond nervous, so badly so that he hadn't even started the tasks the teacher had given the class to do and that was at the start of the lesson. There were now only a few minutes to the bell.

Jungkook chewed on his lip and gripped his pen tight. Getting yelled at for not doing the work didn't even bother Jungkook right now, what did was that soon, when that school bell rings, the guys he has been crushing on for years now will open his draw and find his confession letter.

It was just by coincidence that his crush was his best friend. His name was Kim Taehyung.

Jungkook turned his head to the side and saw Taehyung working on his maths questions at the desk next to him. If Jungkook wasn't so anxious right now he would probably stare at the boy and dream of how perfect he is. But instead he pulled his eyes away and looked around the rest of the room. Everyone's heads were down. The teacher was looking straight his way.

Oh god.

Jungkook desperately tried to muster up some calculations from his mind to answer at least the first few questions- to make it look like he's actually done some work. Unfortunately it was no use, his mind was completely blank, it was almost like he was incapable to even read.

Then the bell caught him off guard before he knew it and the teacher dismissed the class and left without a word. Phew, maybe I won't die today.

Every other student began packing away and soon the classroom was empty apart from a few others that stayed in over lunch.

Jungkook quickly packed up and rushed out the door.

"Wait kook where are you-?" Taehyung called out to him.

Jungkook wanted to stay and watch Taehyung reaction to the letter but his nerves were driving him insane that he would be physically sick if he stayed Any longer.
What if he got rejected?? Jungkook would definitely prefer not to be there if he did.

So Jungkook hurried down the hall and into the dining hall where he chucked his bag onto the lunch table and sat with his friends.

"What's up with you??" Hoseok asked after Jungkook slumped down onto the seat and continued to chew on his lip, which was probably red by now.

"You look a bit pale" said Seokjin looking concerned.

"Nothing." Jungkook almost choked. "Everything is fine."

"You sure?"


Seokjin looked around next to him and then asked "Hey, where's tae? He normally comes in with you"

"Don't know" the youngest said bluntly, just hoping they'd drop the subject as it was making him feel worse.

He was imagining Taehyung in the classroom holding his little note, taking all that is written in there.

But what he couldn't imagine was the boy's reaction. He dearly hoped Taehyung would accept him, or even better like him back too but he always dreaded a rejection. At the very least, Jungkook could get used to Taehyung not liking him back in that way but remaining friends. However, he didn't think he would ever get over a rejection.

"Yah, kookie~" that very voice snapped him out of his thoughts, realising Taehyung was standing right in front of him with huge pouting lips on his face and the most adorable puppy eyes staring down on him.

"W-what?" Was all he could think of to reply with.

"You left me on my own" Taehyung said before sitting down across from him.

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