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"Well, go on" Yoongi huffed "lunch will be over soon"

The two glanced briefly over to Yoongi who now had his arms crossed before meeting eyes once again.

"Uhh"  Taehyung said as though he was trying to think but in reality he just wanted to break the awkward atmosphere between him and Jungkook. "So...?"

Jungkook kept quiet and looked down to his feet. He didn't want to speak until Taehyung said something first.

Taehyung waits for a moment, hesitating, opening and closing his mouth a few times and for a second Jungkook thinks he's finally going to speak.  But then he turns to Yoongi. "Do you really have to, uh, watch us like that?" He asks. "It's quite... off-putting"

Yoongi simply flashes a fake smile and cocks his head to the side. "I do"

Taehyung almost shivered, Yoongi can be real scary sometimes.

The boy finally turns back to Jungkook who's watching him with his big adorable eyes, something that weakened Taehyung. The older bit his lip and scratched his hair and shifted his weight onto another foot and took a deep breath— all before he asked:
"So you know? About me... knowing?"  The question didn't sound confident, it came out in a way that made Taehyung sound nervous. Or maybe he was nervous. Maybe he was just as nervous as Jungkook.

The younger licked his awfully dry lips before he gave a small nod. Taehyung made a faint ahh sound then asked, "how?"

"Is that really important? Come one get to the good bit!" Yoongi groaned.

Taehyung gave the oldest a quick scowl then turned to Jungkook with an apologetic smile.

"Ok so I suppose I owe you an explanation?" Taehyung said with a forced chuckle. "I just... I wanted you to tell me in person, I wanted to hear you say the words. I'm sorry Jungkookie"

The youngers mouth dropped open slightly. He didn't expect that to be the reason behind this. As well as being relieved that Taehyung wasn't making fun of him, Jungkook was possibly more anxious than before—if that was even possible? That meant Jungkook actually had to confess... now. On this spot. In front of Taehyung.

But Taehyung carried on. "I didn't mean to upset you. I really didn't. You know that right? It was just my first time receiving a letter like that and because it was from you–maybe I got a bit too excited. I should have just told you earlier I'm sorry.."

Frozen to the ground, Jungkook almost forgot to react. He gently shook his head saying "it's ok"

Both of them found it a little more awkward than it should have been as Yoongi was watching their every move.

Taehyung glanced over to Yoongi as if asking for permission to stop as Jungkook kept his eyes on one of the desks beside him, secretly hoping that the oldest will let him slide without saying anything. But..

"Well done. Now, Jungkook...? Pretty sure you've got something to say out loud."

Jungkooks head snapped up to Yoongi, suddenly flushing a bright red.

It was now Taehyungs turn to look to he other hopefully.


The two of them were staring at Jungkook intently. His heart felt like it would jump out of his chest any moment, beating so fast and so violently.

This was it, Jungkooks time to confess and tell Taehyung how he truly felt in person. He couldn't chicken out now. Even Taehyung wants to hear him say it— so spit it out!

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