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Jungkook swallowed inwardly.

"O-oh did you?"

"Yeah! Can you believe it! I guess I didn't check hard enough." Taehyung giggled. "Do you want to see it?"

No no no no

I don't want to see it.

I don't want to see my love letter

You're not supposed to be flaunting it around

Jungkook put his best efforts into making his smile seem convincing. And that took a lot of effort.

Instead of answering the question, Jungkook avoided it. "Um, did you, uh, show it to the others..?" He asked, hoping to dear god he didn't. "Without me..?" He added just to make it sound a bit more convincing, to act like he didn't care.

Taehyung put his hand into his pocket and pulled out a neatly folded bit of tinted pint paper and began twiddling it with his fingers. Jungkook stared at the piece of paper. He felt like he was sweating.

That was definitely his alright. Taehyung wasn't joking. That was his love letter.

"No I didn't" Taehyung finally put him out of his misery and Jungkook could almost cry with joy. "I was thinking about it, but wanted to investigate without them first"


"Ah.." was all Jungkook could manage.

The younger watched as Taehyung held the pink paper between two fingers, examining it intensely. His smile was still there but it had faded slightly. Jungkook could tell Taehyung seemed genuinely interested, it wasn't something he was doing just to make fun of whoever wrote it. That was something Jungkook was thankful for.

"Whoever wrote it," Taehyung started, then paused, only causing more tension for Jungkook. "They're sweet"

If Taehyung had known who it was, Jungkook would have probably blushed and felt pure happiness, but since he knew he didn't— all Jungkook could do was smile for him.

It wouldn't have been the same if Taehyung knew it was him, they probably wouldn't have even had this conversation. Taehyung probably wouldn't have found it sweet, and he probably wouldn't have kept it.

Jungkook couldn't even believe he gave the love letter to him in the start.

Taehyung probably just thought it was some girl being all mysterious and cute with pink paper filled with compliments and love hearts.

Jungkook turned away from him and looked out the window, waiting for the teacher to arrive any minute.

He hears Taehyung chuckle to himself one more time and the sound of the note being slipped into his blazer pocket.
"Sweet like a biscuit." Taehyung said "my favourite kind"

What kind of simile is that?

Jungkook ignores the boys confusing and silly comparison and sighs gently. Taehyung never talks sense.

What am I going to do?


"Jimin" Jungkook hissed under his breath. He had already tried to get the boys attention for a few minutes now. He was hiding behind a wall desperate to get Jimin to talk to him private before he left school. If he didn't get his attention in the next second Jimin would leave and Jungkook wouldn't be able to update him on the love letter.
"Jimin" he said again a little louder this time.

The said boy turned around for, whoever he was talking to and frowned as he searched for the one calling  his name. When he spotted Jungkook motioning for him to come over, he excused himself from the group and walked over to the younger.

"Why do you look so suspicious?" Jimin asked taking on big look of the anxious boy holding onto the straps of his back pack.

"Taehyung has it in his pocket" he blurted out. "He has it in his pocket and I'll never be able to get it back"

"Chill, you'll be fine I promise"

Jungkook tapped his foot nervously "how will I be fine? He wants to find out who wrote it. He's gonna find me. I'm done for, Jimin. All over. Completely. No use in even tryi–"

"Jiminnie~ my boy!"

Oh no


The sound of someone skipping travels closer towards the two of them and Jungkook shuts up instantly. Jimin smiles at Taehyung while Jungkook couldn't be seen from behind the wall.

"Have you seen Jungkookie?" Taehyung asked and Jimin nods.

"Right here" Jimin points to the boy who remains stood behind the corner nervously.

"Oh" Taehyung replied before he pokes his head around the corner with a grin. "Hey kook!"


Jimin laughs before he announced "well, I'm gonna go. See you tomorrow guys"

Jungkook cursed inside his head, mainly cursing Jimin for leaving him on his own like that.

"Bye Jimin!" Taehyung waved as the boy walked away from them. When he turned back to Jungkook, the younger was staring at the floor.

"What were you hiding behind the wall for?" Taehyung laughed and linked arms with Jungkook as they started walking.

"Oh.. for you, of course" the boy laughed lightly.

"Awh~" Taehyung hugged his arm tighter and leant his head on Jungkooks shoulder. "My best friend is so cute"

Jungkooks Heart almost missed a beat. He choked a laugh and replied with "I'm not t-that cute"

When they get outside, only a few students are still lingering around the school gates, the rest have gone.

Jungkook likes when Taehyung is clingy, it sometimes lets Jungkook imagine this is what it would be like to have Taehyung as a boyfriend. A cute clingy adorable boyfriend. Other people would hate it, but Jungkook? No, he loves when Taehyung practically jumps on him only to give him hugs, he loves when Taehyung is extra fidgety and plays with his hands or his ears or his hair, he loves when Taehyung hugs him from behind or hugs his waist, he loves it when Taehyung leans his head on his shoulder, he loves it  when they occasionally hold hands.

He loved being best friends with Kim Taehyung.

What he wouldn't love is that love letter ruining all of that.

The two of them were walking down the pavement together when Taehyung spoke up again.

"Kookie come to my house tonight"

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