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Hoseok scoffed as he continued to stare at the couple across the lunch table— he wasn't the only one, all their friends had their eyes on them. "I thought it wasn't possible for them to be any more gay than they were before. But it looks like they proved me wrong"

Jungkook and Taehyung were sat next to each other on the lunch table today. Taehyung made it clear as soon as the bell went that he wanted to sit next to his new boyfriend. The rest of them had no choice but to comply and make a clear space for Taehyung to sit down next to the youngest.

Taehyung has his arm wrapped around the younger while they shared their lunch together, Taehyung holding up food to Jungkooks mouth personally and watching him take the bite.

Jungkook was clearly still getting used to it, despite being best friends with Taehyung for years. His cheeks were red and the others could clearly see he was embarrassed as they all watched.

Taehyung, like usual, had also spent a lot of time just being overly touchy with the younger. It was as though it was the law that Taehyung had to be physically glued to Jungkook at all times possible.

Ever since the day Yoongi forced the two to confess (god bless) things seemed to go back to normal... apart from the fact the two boys had a title now. Them being boyfriends wasn't much different from before, but at least it was obvious that they knew each other's feelings now and Jungkook, for one, was less fidgety and nervous to do or say literally anything to do with Taehyung.

Taehyung was even more blatantly obvious though (who knew that was possible?) and couldn't seem to keep his affection for the younger to himself. In fact even a few of the students in their class had been discreetly watching and whispering to themselves about the pair dating. Jimin happened to hear them one day, so he quickly whacked Taehyung on the head and told him not to be so blindingly obvious at school otherwise "the whole school will find out".

Unfortunately, he doesn't think Taehyung listened.

"Hey, can we take a walk?" Taehyung asked as he turned to Jungkook. "Outside?"

The younger nodded with a faint smile. "Sure" in all honesty, Jungkook was glad Taehyung suggested it, he was becoming a little overly shy while his friends commented on the two dating. Not to mention there was a slight worry that other people would find out.

Taehyung smiled back and pushed back his chair as he grabbed his backpack, swinging it onto his shoulders. The rest of their friends look up to see where they were going. He answered their thoughts before they could even ask. "We're taking a walk. Be back soon!"
Jungkook grabber his bag too and followed Taehyung out of the lunch hall.

As soon as they made it through the doors and out into the corridor, Taehyung made a reach for the younger boys hand.

Jungkook noticed and quickly shoved his hands in his pocket shyly, blush forming on his cheeks. Taehyung looked to him with big puppy eyes and a pout, confused why the boy rejected him. "Not now Tae" Jungkook mumbled quietly as he kept his eyes nervously on the floor. A few students were walking past down the corridor too, Jungkook didn't want to  be out in the open just yet. "Let's wait til we're outside"

Once the pair were out in the schools garden, wondering along the field, jungkook offered his hand for Taehyung to take. The older grinned and wrapped his fingers around Jungkooks and began to swing their arms gently.

They walked in silence for a moment, admiring the way the trees sway in the breeze and the warmth of the sun on their face.

"Is there a reason you wanted to come out here?" Jungkook asked.

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