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But then

"I don't know" Taehyung shrugs.

After holding his breath for more than a minute, Jungkook lets it all out as quietly as he could. He felt relieved. Tae didn't tell them. Thank god

"You don't know?"

"How can you not know?"

Taehyung smiles to himself as he looks down to his food. "I didn't see a name"


Oh no

Jungkook almost wanted to smash his head against the table, and he would have if his food wasn't in the way. How could he have been so stupid and forget to write his name!?

"What kind of person writes a love letter but doesn't write their name?"

"Maybe they don't want him to know?" Namjoon suggests

"I want to find out who wrote it" Taehyung said with a grin. He's eyes wondered across each of his friends, they could see his excitement. Jungkook tried his best to force a smile when Taehyung faced him, however he was worried his face wasn't showing the correct emotion. "I'm curious." He said and finally turned his head away.

"Do you have the letter with you?"

Jungkook tensed up as Taehyung began patting his pockets. "No. I left it in my draw"

I have to get to the classroom

I have to take it back.

Just cause Taehyung didn't recognise Jungkooks writing, doesn't mean the others won't. Jungkook knew for a fact they will find out.

"Kookie, are you sure your okay?" Seokjin asked with concern and everyone turns to him. "You've been pretty quiet. You too Jiminnie?"

"H-huh? Me? Y-yeah I'm fine" Jungkook nodded as convincingly as he could and then they all turn to Jimin who smiles and nods. "But... I think i'm gonna go to the toilet.." the younger stood up slowly and carefully. "I'm feeling a bit hot"

Jimin furrowed his eyebrows and caught Jungkooks eye flicker to him. "I'll go with you, I need to pee"

"Nice Jimin" Hoseok laughed.

Jungkook looked down at his food, that he had apparently not touched at all. He pushed it forward slight. "Someone else can eat this.." he mumbled before he picked up his bag and walked away from the table. Jimin got out of his seat and rushed to catch up with him.

"What a waste" Seokjin sighed as he stood up and leaned over, picking up what was the youngest dinner. "Oh well, more for me I guess"

"Hyung you're such a pig"

"Well at least I'm a handsome pig. I just know how to eat well that's all"


"You're supposed to put your name on love letters!"

Jungkook begins to tug on his hair as they both stand in the empty classroom alone. "I know! I don't know what happened..."

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