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"Someone wake Taehyung up, its time to go"

"Can I pour my drink over hi—"

"No Yoongi you can't. Jimin help Jungkook"

Jimin skipped over to the youngest who had a heavy and very asleep Taehyung lying on his lap. Jungkook didn't know how it got this way, but the boy slipped and suddenly his head was in his lap. At first Taehyung had fell with his head face first into the younger series lap, almost causing to shove the boy off. But when he looked around nobody seemed to be watching him so Jungkook quickly and awkwardly lifted the boys head and shifted him so it was more comfortable — for the both of them.

So currently the drunk Jimin was trying to wake up the drunk Taehyung, while a sober Jungkook was trapped underneath him.

"Taehyungie" Jimin singed as he squatted next to the boy and poked his cheek. After another few pokes, Taehyung finally opened an eye, before sitting up and rubbing both eyes with his hand.
"Jim..nie" Taehyung replied sleepily.

Jungkook turned his head away slightly, fighting the urge to press his tongue against his cheek.

"It's time to go home" Namjoon called from behind.

"Oh... mkay" Taehyungs words were slightly slurred, probably from both the alcohol and sleeping.

Jungkook stood up and was about to walk away when Taehyung latched onto his arm and hugged him back.

Jungkook turned back and looked at Taehyungs drunk puppy face. Without realising, Jungkook was frowning.

"Are you guys coming or what?"

Jimin stumbles to his feet and joined the rest while Taehyung let both his smile and Jungkooks arm fall.

The younger joined the rest and Taehyung slowly followed.


"What are we doing next!" Seokjin exclaimed as soon as they stepped out the doors of the building.

"Nothing. We're going home" Yoongi said.

He whined in response "That's no fun at all!"

"That's the plan I want to sleep, it's late"

"I wan go to kookies house!" Taehyung suddenly announced in front of everyone.

Jungkook snapped his head round, embarrassed and annoyed.

Their friends all had the same expression on their face, as if to say "what?"

"I .. mm want to sleep wih him!" He slurred and swayed in the air.

Jungkooks mouth dropped open. He dashed towards Taehyung and covered the olders mouth. "Tae!" He shout-whispered to the boy. "Do not say that... or anything else! Keep your mouth closed "

Taehyungs eyes stared into Jungkooks eyes- his eyes were slightly red and puffy. Jungkook couldn't tell what the boy was thinking or why he was saying these things.

He's just drunk. Jungkook told himself.

But strangely, Jungkook calmed as Taehyungs eyes held something within his stare. He didn't shove Jungkook off or fight against the hand being pressed against his mouth, he didn't even li–

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