When it happened...

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"HIDE." I whisper shouted to Julian who was staring in horror at the open door way. Luckily this seemed to wake him up from his trance, and he dashed over to the corner of the room behind that gorgeous painting of me. I dived behind the door, tracing a silence rune on my upper arm. Tavy entered the room. A confused look passed over his small face after a glance at the clothes on the floor and when he looked at the mess we'd made... Two body like shapes in a number of different colours were intertwined on a canvas on the floor. A new kind of art. Us.


"What a strange piece!" Tavy exclaimed. I stifled the urge to laugh. He was so adorable.
"Jules?" Tavy repeated, nudging my bra with his foot. "Why is this in his studio?" Tavy wondered aloud. This time I couldn't stop the snort of laughter. SHIT SHIT SHIT. Tavys head popped up from where he was studying Julian's discarded trousers, and whirled around the room.
"You're supposed to be quiet in hide and seek Jules!" Tavy said with a grin and approached the door way. SHIT SHIT SHIT SHI–"You found me Tavy!" Julian appeared behind him half dressed and flushed.
I have never loved him more.
The poor boy would have been scared for life if he'd seen me, naked, hiding behind a door.
"Jules! I win!" Jules smiled down at him, his face full of love and affection towards his youngest brother. "I found your top Jules!" Jules went bright red, taking the black tshirt of Tavy. Inside I was dying with laughter. "Why were you wearing this Jules?" He held up my bra. I burst out laughing, Tavvy turned surprised. Oh God.
"Emma?" Tavvy asked his smile stretching further. "What are you doing behind the door?" Great, how am I supposed to explain things? "I offered to help Cristina find her shoe."
"Her shoe?" Tavvy inquired, "Why would it be behind the door?"
"Well, you know Cristina! Always losing those shoes of hers!"
"I bet if I look I can find it!" He walked towards were my body was hidden.
" OH! Maybe it would be best if you checked the garden, I think she was out there earlier!"
"Are you sure? I don't mind helping you look here."
"I'm sure I'll be fine, thanks Tavvy."
"Okay!" He dashed out the room. I collapsed on the floor laughing. Julian stared down at me, still redder than a tomato.
"Erm Emma your still naked..." I just laughed harder.
"Nothing you haven't seen before, Jules" I smirked at him, oh god his face. I should stop or he might explode.
I began pulling on my clothes "You forgot your bra!" I held it up. Okay I think he might literally kill me if I carry on. After I was fully dressed and seated on a countertop, legs swinging underneath me, Julian spoke. " We need to be more careful, we cannot have any of the kids walking in on us canoodling again."
"Canoodling? What are you 10? It's not illegal to say sex Jules." I teased lovingly. He rolled his eyes. And muttered to himself "Whatever will I do?"
" Jules you are allowed to canoodel, the kids don't care."
He sighed, wrapping his arms around me. "I know, I know"
"Careful, I'm not sure if I can restrain myself from canoodling," I warned playfully "We may end up creating more art."
"Now that would be another masterpiece." He winked. I giggled. "Come on, we're covered in paint. I need a shower."
"Can I join?"

HIIIIII. I'm pretty sure I'm going to carry this on a bit longer, hope you enjoy! Holly Xx

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